bayley ward st andrews northampton

Six out of nine patients said they had been involved in their care planning. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. A female ward c 1920 . The leadership, governance and culture did not always support the delivery of high quality, person centred-care. They understood peoples cultural needs and provided culturally appropriate care. One patient said,' 'yes the staff are good here they are always ready to have a chat with you'. Staff on long stay or rehabilitation wards staff did not ensure patients had a care plan in place for the use of rapid tranquilisation. For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them. Patient is assessed as presenting too high an internal or perimeter security risk for the PICU, requiring a Medium or High secure PICU, The patient has a primary diagnosis of Substance misuse and the primary purpose of admission is solely to prevent access to substances, The patient has a primary diagnosis of Dementia, Learning Disability and Personality Disorder, Patients physical condition is too frail to allow their safe management on a PICU, Patient has a chronic condition which would not benefit from admission to PICU, The patient is restricted ( subject to MHA 1983 , via the courts ,Ministry of Justice) and has no clear pathway or provision for transfer from the PICU once clinically warranted, Patient must be 18 years and over and not above 65 years, Mental health awareness, including: understanding stress, understanding medication, substance misuse and understanding unusual experiences (psychosis), Therapy areas including crafts, information technology (IT) skills, kitchens and vocational rehabilitation. On Church ward, staff behaviour did not always display the values of the organisation and people told us that attitudes of staff at night were not always kind and respectful. All staff we spoke with in learning disabilities services followed positive behaviour planning (PBS) and least restrictive practices. Patients on the PICU did not have access to a lockable space in their bedrooms and they did not always have their room key. Staff provided a range of activities for patients and activities were available seven days a week. This meant staff may not be clear what behaviour was expected in certain situation. We reviewed one patients records who had been administered rapid tranquillisation medication twice in one day. We reviewed ten team meeting minutes from January 2018 and weekly memos from 1 June 2018 sent by managers to staff and there was evidence of one incident being discussed in one meeting. 258. Billing Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 5DG At Spring Hill House, we saw that refurbishments were taking place to the shower and bathing facilities. We had identified a similar issue in the June 2016 inspection. The leadership and governance did not always support the delivery of high quality, person centred-care. Our PICU patients are supported by high levels of experienced medical and nursing staff, Psychologists, Social Workers and Occupational Therapists. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. One of the long stay or rehabilitation wards, which supported patients with secondary needs associated with disordered eating, did not have access to a specialist dietician. Bayley Ward uses medication led model and follows the nursing approach of Safewards which incorporates: Depending on their mental state, patients will be engaged on a suitable OT programme to facilitate recovery. Wards had adequate space for delivering care and treatment of patients, with appropriate seclusion rooms, low stimulus rooms, and extra care suites for patient use. In response to a compliance action issued following our last inspection in November 2012, the provider demonstrated they were actively recruiting staff. Type of organisation Voluntary Sector Service Descripton of organisation In patient Out patient Residential miles (straight line) miles (approximate road distance) Entry last updated Some rooms had sensory equipment that was available for people to use. Staff did not always follow the Mental Health Act Code of Practice in relation to seclusion, long term segregation and blanket restrictions. We rated St Andrews Healthcare Northampton as requires improvement because: Published The patient was turned onto their side or back as soon as possible and the majority of prone restraints lasted less than three minutes. bayley ward st andrews northampton. Staff assessed and managed risk well. Bayley, Hugh Beard, Nigel Begg, Miss Anne Bell, Stuart Benn, Hilary Bennett, Andrew Benton, Joe Berry, Roger Best, Harold Betts, Clive Blackman, Liz Blears, Ms Hazel Blizzard, Bob Blunkett, Rt Hon David Boateng, Rt Hon Paul Borrow, David Bradley, Rt Hon Keith (Withington) Bradley, Peter (The Wrekin) Bradshaw, Ben Brennan, Kevin Brinton, Mrs Helen A range of psychological therapies recommended by the national institute for health and care excellence was available for patients. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. The PICU hospital director offered regular open clinical between 7pm and 9pm which were open for staff to attend. There was a monthly lessons learnt bulletin for staff. There was a high use of regular bank staff and agency staff. Of these, 13 incidents related to a lack of suitable or sufficient staff impacting on patients care. And are detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. Four people told us that they liked the food but that the options could be improved. The average price for a property in St Andrew's Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN2 is 155,000 over the last year. Treatment of disease, disorder or injury. Patients described the new dietician as amazing. People were supported by staff to pursue their interests. Staff received mandatory and specialist training and most were up to date. Staff received annual appraisals and most staff received regular supervision. A new application for a registered manager was in progress at the time of the inspection. PICU- Going into the weekend we have 2 beds available on our Male PICU in Essex, there is currently no access to seclusion on this ward. To make a PICU enquiry or discuss a referral please contact our wards directly the service is performing exceptionally well. At both Thornton Ward and Spring Hill House the patients had expressed concerns about the heating not being suitable, for example bedrooms and communal rooms being either too hot or too cold. Hotel and Leisure. For example, gaps in environmental checks, long term segregation reviews, and medicines management checks were not followed up. However, we did find that improvements were needed to meet full compliance with the regulations in relation to the use of seclusion. People could communicate with staff and understand information given to them because staff supported them consistently and understood their individual communication needs. St Andrews Healthcare Womens location has been registered with the CQC since 11 April 2011. Managers had not effectively managed the change to the ward profile. Staff at the forensic and learning disability services misgendered patients. Facilities and premises used on Elgar and Spring Hill wards were not appropriate for the service being provided. Other patients on the ward could hear the patient in the toilet. We were not assured that leaders had taken sufficient action to address concerns raised during the focused inspection of the forensic service in January and February 2020 or addressed concerns of the same themes identified at other service inspections in St Andrews Healthcare. Staff arrived late to handovers. Staff received and kept up to date with training on the Mental Health Act and the Mental Health Capacity Act. The largest UK medium secure service for deaf men aged between 18 and 65 years old. Managers did not ensure all staff had the right skills, qualifications and experience to meet the needs of the patients in their care on the forensic wards and learning disability and autism wards. 1986-1989 Lee Ward; 1989-1998 Graham Eccles; 1998-2002 Benjamin Saunders; 2003-2008 Philip . This included reviewing blanket restrictions, revising professional boundaries, introducing new meeting structures and ward rules. She was born March 2, 1927 in Toronto, Ontario Canada, the daughter of William and Lena (Flowers) Page. 10 June 2020. Managers did not ensure established staffing levels on all shifts. Managers had not ensured a safe environment at the learning disabilities service. 93%OFF 10OFF BOV2203AP ZETT However, staff told us that they would hear of incidents on other wards by word of mouth rather than through any formal means. Staff in the forensic service did not always complete handovers in line with the providers policy and procedures. Leaders did not always understand the issues, priorities and challenges the forensic and long stay rehabilitation services faced. PBS care plans were available in paper form for staff to have easy access and in easy read for patients when needed, as well as on the electronic system. Fenwick ward is a low secure inpatient ward that can accommodate up to 10 children and adolescents females with neuro-disability / autistic spectrum disorder. BayleyWard holds the following certifications: ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 45001:2018 / ISO 14001:2015. . Staff made every attempt to avoid using restraint by using de-escalation techniques and restrained patients only when these failed and when necessary to keep the patient or others safe. cassandra jones artist; taiwanese urban legends. Medical staff told us clinical decisions were made at a senior level without any evidence based rationale or consultation at a clinical level. Managers had implemented additional safety measures following serious incidents, these included updating the ligature audit and assessment following a ligature incident, ensuring staff with specific training were available to provide specialist support to patients and a review of patients access to contraband items. Patients admitted to the PICU should exhibit mental state or clinical behaviour which seriously compromises their physical or psychological well-being, or that of others, and which cannot be safely assessed or treated in a general adult ward, Externally directed aggression. Patients admitted to a PICU will have behavioural challenges which seriously compromise the physical or psychological wellbeing of themselves or others, and cannot be safely assessed or treated in an open acute inpatient facility (usually a general adult inpatient mental health ward). We were told that ward community meetings took place and we saw records of the meetings were kept. Frith has written dozens of books on both cricket in modern times and cricket of the past, mainly focussing on Ashes Test Match history. Billing Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 5DG there are some services which we cant rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. Discharge is considered at admission and our clinical and social work teams work with appropriate case managers to support a transition. Patients had good access to physical healthcare when needed. One of the long stay or rehabilitation wards, which supported patients with secondary needs associated with disordered eating, did not have access to a specialist dietician. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. Managers had not followed recommendations from an internal investigation into concerns raised. Staff communicated with people in ways that met their needs. Staff working in the neuropsychiatry services had an understanding of current NICE guidelines. Managers had recently recruited a new senior nurse and staff were returning from long term sick leave. Goals for recovery, including an estimated date of discharge from the PICU, will be set as part of the admission process. Neurobehavioural Rapid Response -We have one male bed available today. Managers did not ensure all staff received appraisal and supervision at the forensic and learning disability services. Fairbairn is a 15 bed ward in purpose-built medium secure service which manages deaf or hearing . Patients reported that they did not always have access to healthy snacks (e.g. We rated it as requires improvement because: Download full inspection report for St Andrew's Healthcare - Womens Service - PDF - (opens in new window), Published Staff had quick access to ligature cutters and pocket masks (for use in mouth to mouth resuscitation) in different areas of the wards. Peoples quality of life was enhanced by the services culture of improvement and inclusivity. We reviewed 22 out of 115 seclusion records from 1 April 2018 to 30 June 2018. The wards did not always have enough nurses. We're a specialist charity that invests in innovative, patient-centric, holistic care. One seclusion room did not have a shower and whilst the provider had made progress in the processes to plan, fund and source a shower in the seclusion room, it remained without a shower. Although this was done to keep them and other people safe it meant that there were restrictions on what they were able to do and where they were able to go. Seclusion facilities were beingused for de-escalation and time out. This meant that staff were not working to the most recent guidelines. In two services, care plans did not always reflect how to manage patients with physical health issues. Psychiatric intensive care unit, we spoke to four patients. We saw that staff in the neuropsychiatry services and PICU were using tablet computers to monitor outcome measures electronically while on the ward which meant that they saved time by not returning to the desktop computer and logging into the electronic note system. This equated to a fill rate of 89% against the provider target of 90%. Data provided showed a downward trajectory in the use of restraint and in the use of prone restraint. There were not always enough staff to safely carry out physical interventions and provide the required level of patient observations on Sunley ward. Nursing and support staff we spoke with in the CAMHS services did not have any understanding of positive behaviour support. Most patients did not have a copy of their care plan or knew what their goals were. Staff had completed physical health assessments for patients on admission accessed specialist healthcare providers when needed. Those that did have care plans on Bradlaugh found that it was not in accessible format. With the exception of rehabilitation, adolescent and forensic services, staff monitored the physical health of patients regularly and developed physical health goals and treatment for patients. due to sexual disinhibition or over-activity) in the context of a serious mental illness. People were supported by staff who understood best practice in relation to the wide range of strengths, impairments or sensitivities people with a learning disability and/or autistic people may have. This posed a risk to staff and patients if staff were following two different approaches.

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bayley ward st andrews northampton