was lynette really pregnant in desperate housewives

("You Must Meet My Wife") Tom is diagnosed with Postpartum Depression and is prescribed medical Marijuana to help. Lynette learns that Renee and Tom had a one-night stand 20 years ago which happened right after Tom and Lynette became engaged and she was visiting her parents (they were on a break). In season one, Gaby discovered . ("The People Will Hear"), When Lynette and the girls notice a bus for a care home outside Karen's house, they offers to help care for her in her final days of living, so she can die at home. 38 related questions found. This leads Lynette to have a talk with the boss' wife, Janie Peterson, and tells her how Tom will be missing so much of his children's lives now. Natalie brags about her success and then tells Lynette she's too afraid to take big risks; this prompts Lynette to decide to take the job offer. Susan brings a coffee to Lynette and tells her Julie's not pregnant. Angry, Lynette yells at Carolyn, but ends up being shot in her arm; she's then taken to hospital. At the club, Porter confronts Warren for attacking Anne, but Lynette breaks up the fight. Lynette fears Tom has left her when she can't find him, but she goes to the dinner anyway. ("Bargaining"), Tom decides he wants plastic surgery after running into an old college friend. Lynette and Tom got big news. He tells her that she is the type of person who still cries when their last child grows out of their onesies, even after raising four other children. After slipping in the shower, Lynette is knocked unconscious, so Carlos helps her. Gaby agrees when she needs a spy to watch Carlos and a colleague at work; Lynette uses this reason to get a raise on her previous salary. Kids do better with stay at home moms. No One Is Alone. When Nora decides to leave town with Kayla in tow, Lynette and Tom sue for custody. Lynette celebrates outside, enjoying her new freedom. Awardwinning actress Huffman begins the fourth season of the hit show, which began last week, bald from the effects of chemotherapy. [21] After a short and difficult first impression of Gaby, all four women accepted the ex-model as a friend.[23]. ("Witch's Lament"), After discovering that Alejandro's body has been dug up, Lynette agrees to leave Bree in charge of the situation. Lynette confronts Renee and tells her that her marriage is not something she can mess around with. Lynette agrees to go out with Rick to another restaurant but before they leave her husband Tom and her children come to the pizzeria to surprise her, where Kayla sees chemistry between Lynette and Rick. This attempt fails, so Lynette tries to give the boys the medication. She tells him he is setting a bad example for their children. The war escalates when Karen runs over one of the boys' bikes with her car and Lynette retaliates by throwing eggs. Lynette tells Eddie the news and then learns that he killed his mother. ("Suspicious Minds"), Lynette becomes worried about leaving her young children alone with the new nanny, Claire. Stu, a bumbling secretary at the agency, is kind to Lynette, often doing her favors or helping her in tough situations. When messaging his wife via computer, Lynette takes over. Because of an injury, the nine-months pregnant Lynette carrying twins begets one from the pair . When Tom attends a conference, Lynette is upset that she is unable to attend any of the events because she's just a wife, relegated to spa time and other events with other wives. Formerly a high-powered businesswoman herself, Lynette aspires to return to working life as she struggles with the day-to-day tasks of motherhood. Tom tries to calm down Lynette so she doesn't give their new neighbors the wrong impression. Katherine Mayfair comes back to Wisteria Lane, offering Lynette a job at her new food company. Lynette kisses Carlos in front of Gaby to show her how she felt. Still hating Lynette, Kayla tells Lynette's bosses the truth and she's fired. When she's asked about how being a mother is, Lynette lies and says it's the best job she has ever had. It was a joyous occasion until Lynette struggled with her pregnancy. Lynette and Gaby's friendship becomes strained, but is restored when Lynette saves Celia Solis from being hit by a plane that crashes on Wisteria Lane. With only one episode left before the two-hour series finale, things are looking grim for the women of Wisteria Lane. . Meanwhile, Tom is excited because not only did he pass the exam; he got in the top five percent while drunk. McCluskey (Kathryn Joosten): She was the real heart of the finale. ("Everything's Different, Nothing's Changed") Although enjoying the money she's getting from Tom's new job, she's upset that she isn't seeing him as much. . She and Tom soon bought a penthouse overlooking Central Park, where years later she'd take her six grandchildren and yell at them.Mary Alice Young, Lynette officially accepts Katherine's job offer and four weeks later, she, Tom and the children pack up and move to New York to start their new life. ("What's to Discuss, Old Friend? ("Excited and Scared"), Renee starts an interior design business and asks Lynette to help her. Lucy is sympathetic but unable to help as her husband has just lost his job. [30], Screen Rant ranked Lynette as the 7th best Desperate Housewives character, writing that she was "definitely nicer and more watchable than Edie" and not "always the most sympathetic character".[31]. Tom assures Lynette that he still loves her. Kayla later reveals to Tom that this is because she blames Lynette for Nora's death. Tom asks Kayla to be nice to Lynette, so she accepts, but explains she won't love her, upsetting Lynette. At the police station, after Preston is released, she overhears that Barbara was found dead too. She continues to use the ADD medication when she cant even perform the simplest tasks. ("Sunday in the Park with George"), Lynette convinces Janie Peterson to give Annabel Foster a promotion in an attempt to keep her away from her and Tom. ("I Remember That"), On the opening day for Scavo Pizzeria Lynette is angry because the deilvery man brings more baby seats than adult seats, so she has to borrow some chairs off Gaby. Lynette is against the idea because it could turn out badly, so she convinces him not to go through with it. When bringing the family back home, Lynette suggests Tom widen his job net to lessen his stress. ("Your Fault"), Lynette is surprised when Porter, Preston and Parker give her a present she actually likes - a beautiful flower pot they made for her. Gaby becomes pregnant, and she forgives Carlos. While at the supermarket, Lynette meets new neighbour, Art Shepard. Carolyn shoots Nora for hitting on Tom, so Lynette promises to care for Kayla before Nora dies. He decides not to go, leaving his relationship on the rocks, which leaves him furious with Lynette. After many nights of going to bars with Nina, Lynette has enough and shows up Nina, breaking her confidence, stopping their nights out. In the finale, Lynette starts feeling ill and fears her cancer is active, although she is pregnant with another set of twins. Traumatized, Lynette wonders what her life would have been like if her baby (Patrick) had survived. ("Women and Death"), On moving in day, Tom and Lynette were having an argument when neighbors Mary Alice Young, Bree Van de Kamp and Susan Mayer come to welcome them. However, he doesn't take the opportunity as he fears he's going to lose his children. Renee gets mad at Susan, while Lynette wonders why her friend is acting strange. Renee later apologizes to Lynette and is forgiven, and reveals that she has just bought Edie Britts former home on Wisteria Lane. During the time Bree and the Scavo kids spend together, the unruly Porter fails to obey the Bree by messing with her freshly made cookies against her will. After a while of being together and becoming pregnant with their first children, Preston and Porter, Tom buys Lynette her dream house on Wisteria Lane . In the same evening that Lynette decides to separate from Tom, she, along with Bree and Susan, walk into Gaby's living room to find that Carlos has murdered Alejandro, Gaby's stepfather. Lynette graduated from Northwestern University. Admiration for mothers would spring out profusely after watching Felicity Huffman being Lynette Scavo in Desperate Housewives. Tom confronts Lynette and informs her that he wanted to tell her about Renee, but there was never a good time for it because he did not want to ruin the wonderful life they have together. [7], During college at Northwestern University,[16] around 1990,[17] Lynette met Renee Perry and two of them become loyal friends. However, Tom becomes obsessed with the alternate wigs, upsetting Lynette as she feels he doesn't accept her looks. ("If There's Anything I Can't Stand"), When Katherine runs to be President of the Homeowners' Association, she threatens to change lots of features on Wisteria Lane. Throughout the course of Desperate Housewives we've seen a wife put a bullet in her brain, a husband bumped off by a manic medic, and a newlywed frazzled by an electricity pylon. Ed Ferrara, the boss, is the seemingly cool guy but his faults lead to Tom getting fired after working with her at the agency for a while. She confronts Warren about hitting women and children. This is not a joke, Tom. The day after finding out about her pregnancy, Lynette tells Tom that she's upset about having more children because by the time they graduate, she and Tom will be in their sixties. Preston's mind isn't changed, but Tom announces he wants to go to college to learn Chinese to widen his job net. But when her doctor announced Lynette was pregnant her husband, Tom, had an idea. Unfortunately the nanny doesn't stay long as she catches Tom's eye a little too much. ("I'll Swallow Poison on Sunday"), Lynette is angry when Tom books a holiday to Hawaii because she'd spent ages planning a road trip. However, when he accuses her of emasculating her husband, she fires him. When Kayla is taken by her grandparents, Lynette says she's sorry to her for everything that's happened. Before Lynette attends a street dinner party, Penny reveals to her that Tom had left her a note. "Desperate Housewives" - "Being Alive" . Einst war sie eine knallharte Geschftsfrau, gab ihren Job jedoch auf, als Tom und sie sich dazu entschieden Kinder zu bekommen. The two talk for a while and Lynette confesses that when she thought Tom had left, she felt relieved, leading the pair to finally decide to separate. ("Crime Doesn't Pay") Having a hard time finding a job, Lynette asks if Gaby could get Carlos to help her out. Always share the housework, never waste the hot water, and never go to bed angry. Kayla begins a pattern of disrespectful behavior, which culminates when Lynette slaps her for threatening Penny. She tells him she's not looking to get married or have children, but she does like a white picket fence. casalinga. Lynette explains about Julie coming to her and confiding she might be . In a fit of pique at being served marijuana-laced brownies, Lynette decides that Stella has to go. After he died, their mother had a series of unpleasant and unstable boyfriends and a drinking problem. She invites the troubled teen Eddie Orlofsky to live with her family, unaware that he is the Fairview Strangler. Lynette suspects that Tom is cheating on her, so she follows him to Atlantic City. ("Being Alive"), Tom and Lynette decide to tell their children about the pregnancy, disgusting them. lynette and tom look after her. She then becomes hysterical when she finds out that Porter is the father of Julie's daughter and that he wants full custody. Gallery of photographic stills released to promote the character. Lynette realizes her mother is upset she never gets visits from Lynette. ("If"), To thank Lynette for saving Celia, Gaby and Carlos decide to keep paying Lynette's salary until she has the baby. Lynette ignores Tom and changes the menu and Tom is angry when he finds out. Bree is the only main Housewife not to be pregnant while on the show. ("Remember, Part 2"), Lynette Scavo was busy meeting her husband's illegitimate daughter while resisting the urge to strangle the girl's mother.Mary Alice Young, Lynette struggles to adjust to life including Kayla, and her annoying mother, Nora. Mrs. Butters tells Lynette that this isn't the first time that the twins have misbehaved and that the school may no longer be able to accommodate the twins if they continue to act as they are. The women make a pact to tell each other everything. She was touched when she realizes that he remembered her stating she liked white picket fences on their first date. ("Distant Past"), When a tornado arrives on Wisteria Lane, Lynette and her family take shelter in Karen's small basement with her, Ida and Toby, much to Karen's displease. She and her husband, Dennis Stevens, are invited over to have dinner with the Scavos, and Lynette soon realizes that the Stevens' marriage is on the rocks and that Dennis has no problem saying bad things about his spouse, with the excuse that she can't hear him. Under orders from Ed, Lynette convinces Donovan that chocolate milk is better. W hen it started, back in 2004, Desperate Housewives was a huge, huge hit. ("School of Hard Knocks") To retaliate, Lynette decides that she wants to try dating again, but when she is taken home by a man and they're about to have sex, she begins to cry, saying the thought of sleeping with another man is terrifying. Gregg later tells Tom this, so Tom comes to see Lynette after breaking up with Jane, assuming Lynette loves him. When she arrives for her interview, she is grilled by Nina Fletcher. ("She Needs Me"), At Penny's birthday party, Jane reveals to Lynette that she and Tom are moving in together. However, she immediately realizes that she has run out of pills and thus meets with Jordana Geist, hoping to land a few, but Jordana claims to need everything she has. Lynette tries to decline the job, but Carlos tempts her with a 50% salary rise. She admits to him that this is because she believes he is so perfect, that she doesn't deserve to be with him. During a family photo for the Christmas card, Nora demands to be in it and then unintentionally ruins it. However, they soon make up and reaffirm their love for each other. In With So Little to Be Sure Of Lynette and Tom officially sign their divorce papers ending their marriage. Team Owner. ("Something's Coming") Lynette's family is saved, but Ida is announced dead because she moved to save the Scavos'. ("Assassins") Lynette learns to forgive Renee, but seeks revenge on Tom, so she pulls numerous pranks on him, such as ripping his trousers or putting gay porn on his computer. Not only is Lynette suffering strain from the murder but she is also having a tough time with her separation from Tom. ("Get Out of My Life") Lynette and Susan clash when Susan decides to set up a nursery in her house. Lynette later accepts Tom going back to work. Renee explains that is the price she has to pay for nice things. After the five-year time jump, Tom and Lynette are still running the pizzeria and having trouble with their twin sons, now teenagers. 44 related questions found. Lynette suspects Irina of being a gold-digger and they clash, damaging Lynette and Preston's relationship. Mike tries to understand why Lynette isn't fighting for her marriage. In season six, Lynette gives birth while she's held hostage by a serial killer. [12] Other actresses who claim to have auditioned for the show include Alex Kingston, who was apparently turned down for being too curvy. Lynette reluctantly agrees to, counting on her children's ADD medication to help her make ends meet. Tom arrives home and tells Lynette that she will be going back to work, and he will be staying home and taking care of the kids. jdpm1991; Apr 20, 2019; 8 Replies; 884 Views; May . She decides to go to the party without Tom, and he volunteers to stay home with the kids. Many years later in the future, Lynette is with her six grandchildren in Central Park. Do you realize that when these twins finish high school I'll be in my sixties? During the final course of the dinner, Lynette, Bree and Susan find out that Carlos killed Gaby's stepfather, and they help cover up the murder. When Tom leaves to "practice more", she follows him and finds he's set up a den. Stella, not wanting to ruin the happy memories, decides not to return and moves in with Glenn. In private, Tom warns Renee that it may be a bad idea for her to be their neighbor because he is afraid Lynette may find out about something that happened between him and Renee years earlier. Lynette is reluctant, but eventually agrees. Tom, jealous and suspicious, demands that Rick leave the business but Rick refuses. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Lynette lets herself in and finds that the older woman can't open her bottles of arthritis medicine. However, Lynette is also in a meeting when she does this. Stu takes this advice, leading to Ed firing lots of workers, including Nina, but not Lynette, as she's too valuable, but this means she'll be working more hours. During an ultrasound, Lynette isn't excited about her babies and she tells Tom it's because she doesn't love them. Mrs. Butters recommends that the twins go on ritalin since they show signs of ADD. Desperate Housewives - Gabrielle's pregnant. When Preston breaks his arm from jumping off the roof, Lynette notices Kayla's evil glare, so she suspects her. Renee overrules her to give Tom the office he wants. Press J to jump to the feed. ("The God-Why-Don't-You-Love-Me Blues"), As a favor for Karen, Lynette hires Roy as her handy man. . In her first trimester, Lynette is depressed about the prospect of having twins so late in life and fears she will not love them. When she overhears them arguing, she suspects that he is the person who attacked Julie, so she and Tom warn the police. It doesn't take long for Lynette to convince Claire to switch teams and move into the Scavo house. He tells her that her options are to move to Miami or to quit. She penned in her. This all backfires when Lynette is confronted at school by Alisa, with help of her daughter, who scolds her for basically telling Dennis to leave her. However, Lynette finds Bree's empty wine glasses, so she makes it apparent to Bree that she has a problem. Lynette decides she's going to sue Carlos, but when her lawyer approaches Carlos, Gaby arrives to apologize. She overhears a new client of Lynette and Renee's, and suggests that she ask her daughter for her favorite characters to paint on her wall. After revealing to Susan that she thought Tom had left her, Lynette walks into her house, finding Tom, chopping up salad ingredients. It is revealed that they are arguing about Tom getting her pregnant with twins and that he refused to tell her that twins run in his family. ("Art Isn't Easy"), When Lynette's garden is attacked by a possum, she goes all out to exterminate it. Ironically, Cross is the only one of the four leading actresses to get pregnant when the show was filming. Later, Lynette gets a call from Penny, and she's pleased to hear Jane left. It turns out Tom had Parker and he becomes concerned at his wife's mental state after the shooting, so Lynette agrees to visit a therapist, after sharing her suspicions with Karen. Lynette signs her part of the divorce papers, officially ending her marriage. Tom tells Lynette he's sold the . co-proprietaria di una pizzeria. After Parker gets chewing gum stuck in his hair, Lynette has to shave all of his hair off. Angered, Lynette tells Tom to get a vasectomy, but he refuses.

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was lynette really pregnant in desperate housewives