romanian cat names

Sofia - Greek. Willa means one who is firm and resolute and pronounced as wee-lah. Gediminas: Flaviu is a variation of Flavius which means golden or yellow haired. Daisy. I dont really know why, but one of the reasons could be the fact that parents want their children to have unique names (when I was in school, we had three Oana, three Ioana and no less than four Mihai in our class). If you want to honor your Romanian heritage, if you are married with a Romanian or simply because you like how these names sound, go ahead and choose the one you like the most. Haha, good picks in terms of Romanian names! Antanasia. Pronounced approximately as, onsecrated to God and pronounced approximately as, Tania is a diminutive vairation of Tatiana which means from the house of Tatius. Indeed, good find about Sorin! Alina meansbright, beautiful and pronounced as a-LEE-na. My decidedly NOT Romanian name, James, is interesting when used here, even though everyone knows James Bond and James Brown (THE James Brown, not me). Robert means bright fame and pronounced as ro-BEHRT. 7. Bogdana is a feminine variation of Bogdan which means given by God. Pronounced as, bright, shining light and pronounced as, shining or bright one and pronounced approximately as, Elica means God is my salvation and pronounced as, or God is perfection and pronounced as, Eliza means pledged to God and pronounced as, Estera means star or berry and pronounced as, Eugenia means well-born and pronounced approximately as, wisdom, nature, creation and pronounced approximately as, Florina means flourishing, prosperous and pronounced as, Gabriela is a feminine variation of Gabriel which means God is my strength. Net, (Latin origin) means "superior". Neculcuea could be a form of Nicholas. For your convenience, this post is sorted in alphabetical order. Soreena is a spelling variation of Sorina which means strict and stern. Pronounced askor-NEHL-ya. Angela meansangel and pronounced as an-JEH-la. 10. An interesting short Romanian last name. Trains in Romania: The Good, the Bad and The Ugly, Best Cities to Live in Romania in 2023, Based on Safety, Infrastructure, Air Quality and More, Romanian Superstitions List: From Evil Eye to Breaking Glasses & More, 25 Amazing Traditional Romanian Foods You Must Try. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 103 Romanian Last Names With Meanings And History, Surnames Influenced By Neighbouring Countries, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. to match her personality. Matei Romanian form of Matthew; it means "a gift". Ionel is a variation of Iancu which means Yahweh is gracious. Eugenia means well-born and pronounced approximately as eh-O-jen-ya. Magdalena is a spelling variation of Magdalene which means woman from Magdala or high tower. Are you familiar with this name? (Similar to Florin.). Pronounced asso-REEN-a. Pronounced as ee-WAHN. 92. Shimeka means a beautiful princess and pronounced approximately as SHEE-meh-ka. Schmidt (German origin) means "a smith". Maricara means sea of bitterness or rebelliousness. Corina meansmaiden and pronounced as ko-REE-na. This word in Romanian means 'bushy beard.'. Pronounced asGA-bee. Alin - Romanian. Perhaps the most popular addition is that of -escu, added to ones fathers name. Bianca means white and pronounced as BYAN-ka. Gabi is a diminutive of Gabriel which meansGod is my strength. Zugravescu means "someone portraying the past". Lavinia, in Roman Legend, was the daughter of King Latinus, the wife of Aeneas, and the ancestor of the Roman people. Estera means star or berry and pronounced as EHS-teh-ra. 17. 94. Ardeleanu another form of Ardal or Ardghal, which means "valour". Pronounced as, is a spelling variation of Carol which meanshacking with a weapon or settlement of free men. Zizi means pledged to God and pronounced as Zeh-zeh. Silviea is a variation of Silviana which means woman of the woods. Pronounced as, warrior or wish; desire and pronounced as, 12 September is Chocolate Milkshake Day. Olga means holy and pronounced as ol-GAH. 89. :-). This is the Romanian version of the name Andrea, and it means 'manly and strong.'. 1. Pronounced as, beloved or God is my judge and pronounced as, kingly or possess well and pronounced as, Dic is a Romanian variation of Richard which means dominant ruler. David, Alexandru, and Stefan were also among the most popular names for boys in Romania last year while in the girls' case parents also chose names such as Elena, Ioana, Andreea, and Sofia.. Disney. Iosua is a Romanian variation of Joshua which means Yahweh is salvation . Pronounced asda-nee-EH-la. Wodeleah means one from the wooded meadow. was full romany. Pronounced asVAH-lee. Toma means date palm, palm tree and pronounced as TO-ma. %privacy_policy%. I know a few Arianas but I wouldnt consider those a Romanian name. Dana means from Denmark and pronounced as DAH-na. 16. It can also be spelled as Clcn. Cipriana means awoman from Cyprus and pronounced asCHEE-pree-AH-na. Liana meansto climb like a vine and pronounced as lee-YA-na. Violeta means purple and pronounced as vee-O-leh-ta or VYOH-leh-ta. This year's most popular baby names that scored within the top 10 for carts include: Chloe, Zoe, Sophie, Molly, and Phoebe! Andreea f Romanian Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. This translates to Ions son (child). The escu suffix is similar to the French-origin esque suffix commonly used in the English language. Ghita means pearl and pronounced asGHEE-ta. Wisdom. Paul means small or humble and pronounced as PAH-ool or PAHWL. Emilian means rival and pronounced as e-MEEL-yahn. Let us all know by sharing your thoughts below! Ardelean Meaning: The Romanian term for the region of Transylvania. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Radutu means ahappy man and pronounced asRAH-doo-too. Your email address will not be published. Marioara means awished child and pronounced as ma-REE-wa-rah. Lacrima means tear, rip up and pronounced as LAHK-ree-ma. Pronounced asNEE-koo. volcanic iceland epic trip Meet our Local Insider Hanna Solomon means peace and pronounced as so-LO-mon. Vanda means warrior or wish; desire and pronounced as VAHN-da. Antonia meanspriceless one and pronounced as an-TOHN-ya. Lidia is a Romanian variation of Lydia which means woman from Lydia. 9. The etymologists believe that this name has its roots in the Slavic element vadic, which means 'to know'. 4. Agrepina is a spelling variation of Agripina which means a girl who is born feet first. 15. Ion also Ioan, Ionela, and Ionu, is a diminutive version of Johnson, the Romanian form of John. Botezatu Botezatu means 'baptized.' 11. Pronounced as, Romana means woman from Rome and pronounced as, Rozalia is a spelling variation of Rosalia which refers to the annual Roman ceremony of hanging garlands of roses on tombs. Sandu is a diminutive variation of Alexandru which meansdefender of men. A cute name for a baby girl, Angelika means 'like an angel'. Sanda is a spelling variation of Sandra which means defending men. Lavinia is from an ancient place named Lavinium. Carmen means fruit garden or song and pronounced as KAR-mehn. 49. ), Alex is a diminutive variation of Alexander which means defender of men. We spay/neuter all our cats and many more too, over 200+ cats and 30+ dogs in the last 3 years, all from our own money, but right now, we've reached a point . Pronounced as, Georgiana is a feminine variation of George which means farmer, earth worker. 5. Pronounced as teh-O-dohr. 4. Aurora meansdawn and pronounced as aw-RO-rah. Dinu is a variation of Constantine which meanssteadfast. Pronounced astee-MO-tei. If you liked our suggestions for Romanian Last Names then why not take a look at Greek last names, or for something different take a look at cool last names. Roma is a diminutive variation of Roman which means citizen of Rome. Tania is a diminutive vairation of Tatiana which means from the house of Tatius. Ovidiu means sheep and pronounced as o-VEED-yo. Pronounced askos-MEE-na. Pronounced as, Tereza means to harvest and pronounced as, rosebush and pronounced approximately as, special and beloved friend and pronounced approximately as, Valentina is a feminine variation of Valentin which means strength, health. Eliza means pledged to God and pronounced as eh-LEE-za. We have a couple of friends with this name. thus feel free to choose the pet name that suits your situation best. Sorin means like the Sun or strict and pronounced as soh-REEN. Iosif means God shall add (another son) and pronounced as ee-O-sehf. Anicuta. Una means one and pronounced as OO-na (Romanian) or YOO-na (English). Petronela means rock and pronounced as pet-ROH-ne-la. Luminia means "light" or "faint light". Laurentum was a city in ancient Italy. Claudiu meanslimping; enclosure and pronounced as KLOW-dhyoo. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Elisabeta means God is my oath or God is perfection and pronounced aseh-LEE-sa-beh-ta. I believe this is a diminutive of another name. A name in Romanian tradition consists of a given name (prenume) and a family name (surname) (nume or nume de familie). skinwalkers in missouri Ioana means God Is gracious or island and pronounced as ee-WA-na. 43. Munteanu meaning "from the mountains". Cristian Romanian form of Christian, which means "a Christian". 35. Zenobia means life of Zeus and pronounced as ZEH-no-bee-a. Irina meanspeace and pronounced as ee-REEN-a. Andrei - Slavic. 87. . Avram is a Romanian variation of Abraham which means father of multitudes. 2. Follow us or one of our many popular group boards: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Catina means a chaste and innocent girl and pronounced as ka-TEE-na. 71. Stoica means "stoic" or "impassive".

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