patricia said guilty

Your assertion that most people cant distinguish reality from crackpot nonsense is in fact nonsense the reality is that most people are easily fooled by these biased documentaries who then feel its okay to spout their tripe as if its the gospel. Relatives at the time told cops that Yaser threatened bodily harm against Sarah for going on a date with a non-Muslim. They depict scenes which are pure speculation or exaggeration or present scenes, which in fact were only theories mentioned at her trial. They need to test that hair from Joanns hand and also that broken fingernail. Suzanne Pearson fabricated quotes from Patricia including her claim that Patricia said, Im going to the electric chair upon her arrest because a conviction would boost Pearsons career. Carter can be reached at Meticulous primping. Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. Im new to the case, but there seems to be a lot of reasonable doubt. In 1981, Patricia Wrights second husband, Willie Jerome Scott, was found stabbed to death in his mobile home park in Los Angeles. Prosecutors said the Prues planned the March 2012 crime: Patricia Prue's computer had been used to conduct online searches for "how to kidnap a girl," the Prues acquired a stun gun, and they bought a prepaid cellphone to call Jenkins to ask for help. The only thing that has changed since this case is the ability of people to access and proclaim crackpot ideas, conspiracies, and all the rest. Stop it.. Liesbeth Powers/The It was her father, Yaser Said who committed the crime of killing his two innocent teen daughters. Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple that infamously pointed guns at demonstrators who were marching past their house last summer, have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in the incident. Patricia and her husband broke up after the babys death. For more on the Katrinak murder case, you can watch Autopsy Six: A Fatal Attraction for free on YouTube. Another thing that stumps me is Joannes supposed good friend who said that Joanne told her she was leaving Andrew. He says he "feared for his life" and left the girls in the cab alive as he ran away. Microconidia DNA, as long as the strand is one inch long they can pull the DNA from that. Why would it be an irony for a person to express his opinion? in journalism from the University of Southern California. You are absolutely right. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and 45 counts of using a firearm Angry that Joann hung up on her, she stalked her for three days, then broke into her basement and cut the phone line, put a gun to Joanns head as she was placing Alex in the car, and forced her to drive to the rural area. So the issue that he was picking up men in downtown Los Angeles was irrelevant to the case although that couldve been a lead to the killer. And your contention that you (me) as ONE person are wrong, let me say that while you seem to be determined in singling me out as someone whos opinion is one against the rest, is hopelessly exaggerated. Which, for this very reason, is at present being investigated by a federal judge? Ive heard she gets to go out to LUNCH and this broad is in prison for murdering her husband Russ Stager? But investigators conceded they had no solid evidence against Andrew. Yaser Said was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the murder of his two daughters Amina and Sarah Said in 2008. At 6 a.m. on June 24, 1997, police arrested Patricia at her modest house in Linwood, North Carolina, and took her back to Pennsylvania. in emerging media and communication from the University of Texas at Dallas and an M.S. Alfey went on to say that he noticed that the woman hosting the model home was following them very closely the whole time that they were there. And remnants of what look like a baby rested on the mother. Yet they insisted in the trial that the call came in on the 13th. Joann was fun, likable, beautiful, always happy, said her sister-in-law Cindy Wiard. How is it that these women are paroled? You are not expressing an opinion but making an assertion or claim of fact: [I] have absolutely no doubt she was railroaded and wrongfully convicted. You are claiming innocence as fact there is no doubt shes innocent. He had an attractive new wife and beautiful baby boy. In recent years, she began to share key details about her past life in Pittsburgh to nursing home staff that led them to investigate. I didnt believe it. Look into it. Cop defends accused. She made Joanne kill the baby PLEASE. Sorry, I must have missed your name on the witness list. DA readily agreed they did not belong to Rorrer, was happy to admit they were never submitted for analysis. Nailed? Patricia pled guilty on April 2, 1990. Go watch the Reasonable Doubt episode from last night Patricia did it. Patricia was relieved when police took him for custody after 12 years of her daughter's murder. They also raised concerns about what they considered a lack of evidence, including the lack of fingerprints and eyewitness reports the place Said at the crime scene. And then in their zealous efforts to show their ire, feel the need to suggest anyone who supports her is deluded.. Early in the investigation, the hairs found in the car were sent (in glass slides) to several laboratories including the FBIs. ), The Wrong Man investigators Ira Todd and Joe Kennedy have some theories of their own. A Pennsylvania woman who went missing more than 30 years ago in a case that stumped authorities who later declared her legally dead has been found living in a nursing home in Puerto Rico. She wanted all men to give her attention but she couldnt have everyones attention, especially ANDREWS!!! The Charley Project offers details of the womans life before she went missing: She walked throughout the city, approaching strangers and telling them shed had a vision of the Virgin Mary and the world was about to end. As for the murder weapon, police didnt find a .22 caliber pistol on Patricias property, but an ex-boyfriend claimed that she owned one and it would always jam after one shot. And she will have to answer eventually. Its nothing short of a feeble stab hoping to impress but really amounts to splitting hairs, or to put it another way, hot air with no substance. They allege that the North Carolina resident stealthily drove 500 miles to Pennsylvania and killed out of a sense of deadly indignation. (Ross Township Police Department). She only spoke on the phone with him a couple of times a year; when she called that last time, she didnt even know if Andys child was a boy or a girl, and the baby was almost 4 months old. I dont see any defining comment or wording that justifies that claim. You know whats interesting? Weak wages. The difference between the cases was that the child was not injured and the individual wrote down the details of the plan in a notebook, but otherwise it seems extremely similar to me. Nope. Later, they both worked 12-hour graveyard shifts at a textile factory. I come home one night, and shes just gone, and nobody knows where shes at, Bob Kopta, husband of Patricia Kopta, said at a press conference reported by Pittsburgh DA readily agreed they did not belong to Rorrer, was happy to admit they were never submitted for analysis. Any subsequent proof emerging and then revealed in a book or documentary is surely something that should be taken seriously and investigated if necessary. she didnt need to . Everyone lies. Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Reports, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Joanne Chambers and Paula Nawrocki: Strange Lesson. Patricias accusers theorized that she resented Joanns domestic bliss with the tall, athletic Andrew Katrinak. It could be coincidence, but I really doubt it. Opinion: the ideas that a person or a group of people have about something or someone, which are based mainly on their feelings and beliefs, or a single idea of this type.. A Texas father one of the FBIs Ten Most Wanted Fugitives wanted for the slayings of his two teen daughters was busted after more than 12 years on the run, the federal law enforcement agency announced. Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000, while Mark admitted to misdemeanor fourth-degree Jenkins' violent death shocked residents of the Northeast Kingdom, including Gerta Blasczyk of St. Johnsbury. Barry Grube, one of the few, if not only, police officers sympathetic to Patricias cause, noted that Andrew didnt seem particularly frantic while authorities searched desperately for his wife and son. Mr. Said harbored his father, Yaser, inside an apartment in Bedford, Texas, where a maintenance worker spotted Yaser on Aug. 14, 2017. Hoist by my own petard! One of them from his ex-wife, Patricia Owens. What a lame article. After reading this forum and hearing the details of this case, Iowa sure seems a lot fairer in my eyes. Police theorize she owned the gun, but its neither here nor there whether she used a particular gun to kill and would make sense (to a wise perp) that the gun couldnt be linked to her by past activity. Trash-talking ex. In April 1995, the family buried Joann and Alex in a single bronze casket after a funeral mass at a Bethlehem church. Theyre just not willing to investigate/research as to the truth. After Joann Katrinak, the wife of Patricias former flame, turned up dead along with her infant son, prosecutors suspected Patricia. You ought to acquaint yourself thoroughly with the case and not allow yourself to get any further elevated on your high horse. What the prosecution failed to disclose to Rorrers defence team was that the cops, in their zeal to prove their gun theory, visited several addresses of which Rorrer was resident, dug up the gardens in which she was known to do target practice recovered several shell casings and bullets (more than 70), had them ballistically tested, but NOT ONE was found to be a match to the bullet recovered from the victim. Lie detectors are pseudo science. The defense argued that the 911 call is not clear and that Said was targeted by investigators because he is a Muslim. The media love the femme fatale., FBI lab blunder. Follow her on Twitter at But none of those charges ever stuck. The author that wrote the book on the Rutier case donates all the funds from that book to freeing Darlie Routier because the jury wasnt shown a lot of evidence of the medical issues Darlie suffered. As for the words exchanged on the call between the two big-haired women, Joann told Andrew that Patricia had used profanity; Patricia said it was the other way around. If you want to help her let her find peace by admitting her wrong and asking God for forgiveness. Contact Elizabeth Murray at 651-4835 or The women testified last week. All the sources said the same thing either exposure or suffocation, but no certainty about which one. But hang on You ask that I show care with my wording and show all the tolerance in the world, and by that you presumably mean I should simply ignore those who villify her in the most disgraceful way, probably in the opinion that all readers of their comments will agree, and no one is going to take offence! I didnt read anything in this article that convinced me I didnt like that the lab had a bad rep and I do agree the police lie and frame people sometimes so I cant say 100% she did it or not. Its true that women were more idiots than about men, they had the impression that if they caught a fool to take them as wives, they would settle for life, even today we see that but more diluted, still an exaggerated reason for murder. Patricia Prue also expressed remorse for her husband's actions. WebTexas-born Patricia (Tissie) Said, the mother of the two girls, should long ago have been charged as an accomplice in their honor killing. And James Pfeiffer and Jim Burke have remained on her side. Whether or not one believes said person has a motive, did investigators have an actual factual case or not? There was widespread speculation that the sisters were shot in an honor killing a practice in some cultures in which men kill female relatives who are thought to have brought shame upon their families. I dont think so. On December 12, 1994, Joann answered a phone call from a woman shed never met, Patricia Rorrer, her husbands onetime girlfriend. Owens called him "the devil" and said he deserved a punishment much tougher than life in prison. A man was convicted Thursday of helping to hide a brother who was accused of murdering his teenage daughters in Irving more than 12 years ago, the U.S. Attorneys Office announced. That poor child who grew up with no mom for absolutely no reason. This is the most ridiculous take ever! The trial was taking so much of my time. This was a horrible and brutal double murder and whoever did it needs to be locked up forever. I comment on these forums because they are the only places offering the opportunity to, hopefully, bring awareness to those whore unfamiliar with this case and her unfair plight. She had had numerous run-ins with the police and, each time, would tell them to be ready because the end of the world was coming. But I agree with a recent comment.. Why not do a paternity case so just that is done and out of the way. His defense team raised concerns about what they considered a lack of evidence during closing arguments. They broke up in 1993. True, Andrew would have no way to acquire and plant Patricias blond hair there because it wasnt that color when she knew him. She was falsely convicted of killing her husband when the Los Angeles Police Department reopened a 17-year-old cold case after coercing two witnesses to tape a confession pegging Patricia Wright and family friend Lawrence Slaughter as the killers. "If she could do that as a woman, my God.". That, as well as measurements of the babys head (revealing the infant to be of a more advanced age) very much suggest they were killed some considerable time after what was believed at her trial. I finally had to stop reading this stupid article. False. Jenkins' assailant Patricia Prue was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole on Friday after deciding to plead guilty the day before to charges of aggravated attempted murder, kidnapping and conspiracy. Wheres the evidence that Patty was obsessed with Andy? Her alibi about going to the club, called Cowboys Nitelife, got fuzzy when investigators discovered she hadnt signed the guest book on that day. According to Marsicovetere, state programs should be focused on intervening to help those with mental illnesses at the earliest point possible. Crystal Carter is a Bay Area-based reporting fellow with the Center for Media, Crime and Justice in the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York (CUNY). Animals would have for sure. I hope she rots in hell. Susan Wright is out of prison after killing her husband in TX. Patricia Cole, a veteran copy editor whose sharp eye, quick wit and kind heart made her a cherished colleague at NPR and other news outlets, died on Friday at age 46, Dance defense. I would think if she would have an passed they definitely wouldve started looking somewhere else but there was just too much evidence against her anyway so.. and with forensics the way they are today. Its not logical to say we know the truth unless we seen it for ourselves. The District Attorney got this one right. I really never thought of it again.. They are total bs. One on one? This article can also be seen at And why would the judge not let the information about Jerome being a homosexual be known to the jury.. The Free Patricia Rorrer page responds to comments from supporters (How is this even possible that this woman is still in jail?!? Im sure shes innocent adds nothing other than to tell us your state of mind! This woman was obsessed and jealous. And dance instructor William Jarrett couldnt remember whether she attended his dance class at the club the night of Joanns disappearance. Beautifully said Cliff! Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. Lawrence Slaughter is currently serving a life sentence in Calipatria State Prison for the murder of Jerome Scott as well. From what Ive seen its pretty obvious Patricia did do that to this poor woman and the baby. How about the mix up with the hair and the fact that it was not forensically tested (outside of the one man who compared the hairs through naked eye).

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patricia said guilty