medical kidnapping adults

Howze has been charged with kidnapping and four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. Media heavyweights such as Dr. Phil, Mike Huckabee, and Glenn Beck picked up her story. Child abuse is a horrendous crime that cannot be tolerated. Is it the responsibility of the family court judge to find out? Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic Diagnosis & treatment Oct. 14, 2021 Print Products & Services Dehydration Symptoms & causes Diagnosis & treatment However, I would like to suggest that the Constitution of the United States of America protects the rights of individuals and families, and that it is never lawful for social services to remove a child from their biological parents, taking them out of their home and making them a ward of the State, removing legal custody from their parents. You can contact us here to share your story: This is just one example of medical kidnapping by the U.S. government among many that often go unreported. As John P. Thomas has reported in his article,Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation?, fertility rates are plummeting: Add to this the growing list of states that are legalizing same-sexmarriages adding more couples unable to conceive children, and it is easy to see that the adoption business is growing due to increased demand. Anna and Alex Nikolayev with their baby Sammy. A few years ago, statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put the number of women having difficulty conceiving at approximately 10 percentroughly 1 in 10. They need to use local law enforcement, and this is currently done with no warrant, no court order, no trial. The solution to the problem is to abolish all federal and state funding to Child Protection Services. Foster children suffer from drug abuse, sexual abuse, physical harm, and many other crimes at a much higher rate than children who are left with their biological parents. Foster parents or parents of adopted children are often required to administer these drugs whether they agree or not. Experience: 28 years 470-695-0727 123 Church Street NE, Suite 220, Marietta, GA 30060 David West & Associates has experience helping clients with their Kidnapping needs in Atlanta, Georgia. So is medical kidnapping - false child abuse accusation by a child "advocacy" pediatrician leading to apprehension of children, long-term harassments by Children's Aid Services, potential criminal charges, staggering lawyer bills and long-lasting emotional trauma for the whole family. The Sentinel reports: The husband was outside at the time, and he was forced to the ground so that the police could enter the home by force. The investigation concluded that Fierle refused to remove the DNR despite Strykers desire for life-saving actions, and that her claims about his final wishes contradicted his daughter, friend and a psychiatrist." Therefore, they called Child Protection Services. Nate was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome at age 14. Three more are still outstanding. If you search for documentation of these kinds of abuses being carried out by CPS, you will find several books that have been published: This book by Brenda Scott was published way back in 1994, and one of the first ones to blow the whistle on this out-of-control agency. With that being implied , all families whom rights were terminated justified or not need to file a complaint. Skip to content Call Today: (313) 930-2500 Search for: Home About Videos Parental Rights Constitutional Right - Choose the course of Medical Treatment for Special Needs Child Constitutional Right - Refuse Government Forced Antipsychotic Treatment Medical Kidnapping In those complaints parents include every bit of pertainate information. Many reports have been published documenting how children who are wards of the State are taking many more prescription drugs than those living with their families. Filter by: Filter by. If you do not make that finding whenever you remove that child from aplacement, youre forfeiting federal funds The federal government says that if you did not make that (decision) right at the outset the first time through, youre not going to get any federal money for those services, ever CPS is going to have a kid they cannot pay for. Lets take a brief overview now on the motivations States have to take custody of children against the will of their parents. It was during this time that the girls were diagnosed with congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG). Are you already a subscriber? The state agencies would cease to exist. Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: xrp fee calculator; Beitrags-Kommentare: . "A man died at a Tampa hospital after staff could not perform life-saving procedures because of a do not resuscitate order his Orlando guardian filed against his wishes, state investigators determined. States lose federal funds if they dont meet a certain quota of children placed into foster care, and if the federal funding dried up, there would be no motivation whatsoever to take children away from parents. This needs to stop! Some involve senior citizens. Medical kidnapping isn't an issue that often makes headlines, but it is nonetheless a serious violation of patient rights. If you have faced retaliation by the medical community for advocating for a patient's health and care, it's important to consult with a medical malpractice attorney to understand your legal recourse. Glorified baby sitter at a higher rate. In at least 4 cases that we know of in the Boston, Massachusetts, area, there is a web of common players who are interconnected. Judicial Misconduct of any and all Judges that conceal criminal intent or criminal actions done by Department of Human services Children services , No Statutes of limitation on FRAUD, Fraud can be used to reopen closed cases or appeal cases.Wonder how many parents whom rights were terminated are or were disabled, children involved in said cases were eligible for Social security dependent . The victim, Taja Brown, a 34-year-old, was . Anyone who has ever received any federal benefits have clear knowledge that other income affects the eligibility of said benefits and the courts and state workers can not claim plausible deniability to their involvement in FRAUD or intent to conceal their activity in a fraudulent act, thus more evidence in RICCO and RACKEETERING. The only thing that is new is that local and national media are starting to bring these tragic stories to the general public. Many attorneys around the country have stated that these gag orders are unconstitutional. Instead of foster parents, "guardians" are court-appointed to take control of their lives, assets, and medical decisions, leaving elder adults victims of strangers they have never met, isolated from their family and friends who are the ones that truly care about them. Description from Corruption abounds, the system created to protect, assist, and enable children and families is now their worst enemy. They do not believe that locking him away from his life and loved ones and drugging him are the answer. They have a younger son Robert as well. When publishing stories of medical kidnappings, invariably we will get the response: There must be another side to the story. Indeed, there is always another side to the story, but often what is implied by making such a statement is that the State does not simply remove children from parents without good reason. Jewish Family and Children's Services is the common denominator for each of these senior citizens who were seized by Adult Protective Services. Quote: If you are removing a child, in a Contrary to the Welfare finding, that order is mandatory. Too often in our own investigative work here at Health Impact News, we find that the corporate-sponsored media is the mouth-piece of the medical system and government, rather than exposing its corruption. Are you already a subscriber? Attorneys Report Spike in Calls for Help From Families of Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 by Nanette Holt by Brian Shilhavy Part of their condition is also suffering with Gastroparesis, which is a partially paralyzed stomach. medical kidnapping adults. But doctors at Luries Hospital reported to Cook County Court that Michelle was guilty of medical child abuse, as they disagreed with the course of treatment chosen by the mother. In some cases it is as simple as telling a doctor you are going to seek a second opinion on a suggested medical procedure, and then ending up being charged with medical abuse and losing your children. They must protect children from abuse and neglect without persecuting innocent families. They are being used for drug trials, they are being put into pedophilia sex trafficking rings, they are dying at the hands of medical authorities, and American taxpayers are paying BILLIONS of dollars to employ hundreds of thousands of government employees, from social workers, to psychologists and medical doctors, to attorneys and family court judges and workers who profit from this child trafficking system, and allowing it to continue. 601K views 6 years ago Be. How One Family was Destroyed, Phoenix Childrens Hospital Seizes 8 Year Old Boy Because Mother Seeks Second Opinion, Mom of 2 Year Old Special-Needs Child Asked for Help: Arizona CPS Took Him Away Insteadway from Parents after Accident, 10 and 12 Year Old Sisters Seized from Family by Hospital in Phoenix, Arkansas Takes Away 7 Homeschool Children, Medically Kidnapped Disabled Man Held Against his Will in Orange County California, UCLA Medical Doctors and LA County Medically Kidnap Paramedic and Film Producers Daughter, Medically Kidnapped Child in LA County DCFS Care Dies Father Vows to Expose Criminal Social Workers, CPS Threatens To Kidnap 7 Year Old in California When Parents Try to Transfer to Different Hospital. The parents lose their children immediately, often without any warrant being issued by a judge. Kayla and Hannah Diegel suffer from congenital disorder of glycosylation, (CDG, a form of mitochondrial disease.) Hostage and kidnap survivors can experience stress reactions. Upon years of my reviewing and obtaining voluminous court documentation throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusettsparticularly, in my professional experience as an attorney, there is no doubt, whatsoever, that public officials have been operating a racketeering enterprise through the probate and family courts, feeding off our most vulnerable citizens, the elderly. In a case bearing several similarities to Justina Pelletiers familys experience with Boston Childrens Hospital, and Isaiah Riders familys experience with Lurie Childrens Hospital in Chicago, 10 and 12 year old sisters wereseized by Phoenix Childrens Hospital over a medical dispute. Maryanne Godboldo and a picture of her daughter Arianna. Parents deserve the same Constitutional rights in respect to their children that all other members of society enjoy. What is it going to take to get the American public out into the streets to protest this gross injustice against our children? Adult Medical Kidnapping in New York: 1950s Air Force Veteran Held Hostage in Hospital. It is a wicked act. 1.3 Million Adults Medically Kidnapped and $50 Billion of Their Assets Seized. Until they become adults, or are close to becoming adults, their parents or legal guardians have the right to make those decisions for them. The adoption business is a multi-billion dollar business. here on MedicalKidnap. The U.S. fertility rate fell to another record low in 2012, with 63.0 births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But as Carlos Morales clearly explains in the video above, children need to be protected from CPS and the corrupt foster care system, more than they do from their natural parents. If not for the investigative work of the Orlando Sentinel, this professional guardian working for the State of Florida may have continued to euthanize seniors against their wishes and the wishes of their families. Psych wards, now renamed Behavioral Health Units are prisons that hold innocent victims against their will. Some of the most tragic stories we have covered are from families who lose their babies to CPS and medical authorities right after they are born, often before they can even bring them home from the hospital, and before the parents could even have a chance of being accused of abusing their children. 12+ years old children are the kidnapping victims in around 80% of all cases that include minors Girls from 12 to 17 years of age are the most typical victims of abduction Human trafficking is a $150 billion-worth industry 99% of sex trafficking victims are females Human trafficking wasn't a federal crime in the US until 2000 Medical Kidnapping in San Bernardino California: Innocent Mom Goes To Jail? There are already laws in place to protect children from abusive parents. Lonnie told a local radio talk show host: As reported by Unfortunately, having a court appoint a guardian or conservator usually requires a complex legal process, time, and--more often . Doctors (mostly psychiatrists) and courts have the power to step in and take over the entire lives of such individuals, isolating them from their families and ultimately deciding every aspect of their care. This transition often results in significant adjustment difficulties. Every day heart-broken parents contact us looking for help, but very few are willing to go public with their stories. They disagreed with the familys doctor over her diagnosis, and had the states child protection social service agency seize custody of her away from her parents, against her will and the will of her parents. Health Impact News has reported a number of adult kidnapping stories over the years. Lonnie Brennan is the editor of a newspaper that has reported their stories, The Boston Broadside. (CDC via AP) WASHINGTON (AP) Federal health advisers on Tuesday narrowly backed an experimental vaccine from Pfizer . Congresswoman Schaefer lost her Senate seat in Georgia as a result of her speaking out against the corruption within CPS, but states it was something worth losing for standing up for the rights of parents who were having their children kidnapped by CPS. This training allows their officers to know how to properly respond and calm a potentially stressful situation. The outage affected television services, customer service sites, and even the ability of customers to pay their bills. Someone who doesnt like you, for any reason, can make a phone call and provide an anonymous tip with the result of you losing your children. What ensued was a long legal battle to get their daughter back, that probably only ended positively because her story went viral and was picked up by the national mainstream media. Health Impact News was ordered by the court in Arizona, via Melissa Diegel, to remove their story (Health Impact News did not comply.) It is time that we the people and the workers inside the CPS-DFCS and Family Court system are againequal before the law. Certainly children who are suffering in their homes from abuse should be protected. The author issues a call to action from the public to charge all levels of government to make necessary changes in these agencies. We will address some of the reasons why the State is motivated to remove children from the custody of their parents, but first, consider the question: Does the state EVER have a right to remove children from a home? Sometimes kidnappers hold their captives longer in order to demand more money from the victim's relatives or associates. We have covered a number of stories of adults being taken by Adult Protective Services and being placed under the legal guardianship of strangers. Here are some public statements made by Melissa Diegel prior to the court issuing a gag order on her. In these cases, the alleged victims are removed from the home (the children), while the alleged abusers (the parents) are left in the home, and in most cases with no criminal charges filed. During the course of their treatment, the girls family doctors clinic of eight years, Estrella Mountain Medical Group, suddenly sent a letter to the parents instructing them to transfer the girls to the care of Phoenix Childrens Hospital Special Needs Clinic. On Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, a panel of U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisers narrowly backed an experimental vaccine from Pfizer that could become the first shot to protect older adults against the RSV respiratory virus. by Deborah K. FrontieraDescription from Proving Innocence chronicles thirteen months of agony and frustration suffered by the innocent Bonilla and Frontiera families as a result of Childrens Protective Services removal of young James Bonilla from his parents. That makes adult medical kidnapping a far more prevalent occurrence in the United States than child medical kidnapping, since the published figures of children currently in foster care number about 450,000. Health Impact News reporter, Terri LaPoint, recently wrote a report explaining that in the United States today, over 1.3 million seniors are currently held under appointed guardians, representing over $50 billion in seized assets. An Oregon court is ordering that a 13-year-old girl with a rare liver cancer have surgery and receive other medical treatment despite the objections of her mother. State-sponsored kidnapping is where the State steps in and decides that they know what is best for a child or group of children within a family, and then removes the children without any formal charges being brought against the parents. In 2011 we were one of the first national media outlets to cover theMaryanne Godboldo story, which was first picked up by the local Detroit Free Press. Medical kidnapping is defined as the State taking awaychildren from their parents and putting them into State custody and the foster care system, simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family. If you question anything in an er, you at risk of having urself or loved one harrassed, coherced, threatened and surrounded by hospital staff and forced into being held/ involuntary confinement with no end in sight! Some statistics revealed in the video show that foster kids are: than if they stayed in an abusive household. can get more supporters from your own state to start your own group. Here are a few more stories we have covered on, listed by state: Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Support, Alabama Autistic Boys Kidnapped from Native American Ambassador Mother and Abused in Foster Care, Alabama Seizes 7 Children from Family After Child with Autism Wandered to Neighbors. Ian's parents became concerned about the doctors "overprescribing him with medication," a concern which is shared by many parents and patients, and watchdog groups. Select the images to display more information. You know children receiving in home care for, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy, Physical therapy, in home health services. You can read her report on CPS from 2007 here: Medical kidnapping is what occurs when a child is forcibly separated from her parents because the parent refused dangerous or risky medical treatments for the child. The mother wasreportedly ordered to not discuss the case with anyone, and forced to take down YouTube videos and a Facebook Page with over 3000 followers that was documenting the actions of Child Protection Services and doctors at Phoenix Childrens Hospital. The medical institution also has the legal right to use these children in drug experiments. JudgeBrain makes it clear that if they do not remove the child from the parent immediately, they will lose federal funding. As seen by such designated titles, these agencies are made to appear as though state governments are helpful resources for citizens. Results in Children Kidnapped Names Slandered in Local Media Lives Ruined, Special Needs Sisters Kidnapped From Homeschooling Christian Family, Kentucky Parents Found Not Guilty of Charges in Criminal Court but Family Court Refuses to Return Children, Pregnant Homeschool Mom Assaulted by Sheriff as CPS Kidnaps Her Kids in Kentucky, Kentucky Baby Medically Kidnapped Along with Siblings and Forced on to Formula, Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son, EXCLUSIVE: State Corruption Exposed in Louisiana High Profile Medical Kidnap Case, Medical Kidnapping in Maine: Child with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome & Sister Seized Grandfather Commits Suicide, Maryland Father Accused of Abuse over Broken Bones Both Children Removed from Home of Loving Parents. Shortly after this, in April of 2014, the hospital took custody of both daughters away from the family through CPS. This drop occurred in tandem with steep declines in the abortion rate. Callahan realized the only way to truly help the children was to tell their stories. As soon we give the State authority to decide who are good parents, and whoare bad parents, we have moved away from the principles of the Constitution of the United States of America, which was written to protect individual liberties, not give more power to the State. This is just a sampling of the titles published on the corrupt CPS agency. Guardianship in Massachusetts "Medical Kidnapping" - an Attorney's Accounts and her Subsequent Suspension February 26, 2021 LostMessiah Edler Abuse, Healthcare, Nursing and Rehabilitation, Nursing Home Oversight Elder Abuse, Elder Care Fraud, Medical Kidnapping, Nursing and Rehabilitation, Nursing Home Oversight So consider the scenario where a child has a rare genetic disease, and comes into a healthcare facility for treatment. If you live in the United States of America today, and you have childrenin your home under the age of 18, every day you are in danger of losing your children to the State through medical kidnapping. The parents, now residents of California, are originally from the former Soviet Union. Medical kidnapping is defined as a wrongful removal of a child (minor under 18 years of age and/or vulnerable adult) from their parent/guardian by law enforcement, social worker and/or any other official, upon: * When a parent/guardian questions or denies a potential medical treatment and/or test for a child/vulnerable adult or chooses to seek a second opinion when there is cause for concern t It is from theirDependency Video Seriestraining Family Court Judges on how to handle Dependency cases in family court. This abuse of power and abuse of children has gone on for far too long. They want to warn others. When Justina was finally released from State custody after national outrage, Justina and her family traveled to Washington D.C. to promote Justinas Law, a bipartisan bill proposed to end medical research on children. To better understand how medical kidnapping . Read the original story here. Maryanne Godboldos story is told in the following video: This long protracted legal battle, which has resulted in the child being reunited with her mother and all charges against the mother dropped, would not have been possible without Attorney Allison Folmar. Last year (2018) The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on a court-appointed guardian of seniors who had a previous conviction for fraud and bad checks, and was removed from her role as guardian by a judge due to her alleged theft of senior assets. Our response. They do not believe that having a disability such as Asperger's Syndrome gives the State a right to kidnap their son. Published: Feb. 28, 2023 at 9:37 AM PST | Updated: 5 hours ago. There are also federal funds in place for foster care.

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medical kidnapping adults