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sensitivity: 50, }, 100); I am, like Weyant, 26 years old, and have had a May-December romance or two in my adult life. Half Gallerys Bill Powers says he introduced Weyants work not only to Blum & Poe, but also, the summer before last, to Gagosian, who eventually bought one of her works. Anna Weyant & Larry Gagosian: Age Gap Anne Weyant's present age is 27, but her partner, Larry, has reached the ripe old age of 77. [5] His gallery Prints on Broxton was renamed the Broxton Gallery when he began to show a wider array of contemporary art. $(function() { The idea is to create something which gives the gallery a lot of longevity, with the beginning of a shape so it can live beyond Larry.. var ouibounceScript = '