influxdb home assistant no data

For sensors with a unit of measurement defined the unit of measurement is used as the measurement name and entries are tagged with the second part of the entity_id. Mind posting one of your sensors youre using to extract the battery level? InfluxDB is the time-series database handy to store your data coming from your Home Assistant instance. Note that value will be set to the value of the _value field in your query output. Hmm I may have missed the state. in the code. I mentioned that I create template sensors for extracting the battery levels for my devices. Cookie Notice We now have a basic Singlestat added to the dashboard. In this case this is /var/lib/influxdb2 Click on the "Port Settings" tab. However long-term trends and data can also be important. InfluxDB 2.0 - Complete Guide to Getting Started with InfluxDB 2. InfluxDB is working fine! If all worked well your Home Assistant UI will boot back up and you wont see any error messages. Youll be able to setup multiple dashboards, and even multiple users. Lets instead tell Grafana to join the lines together based on the previous reading. In my case it's HomeAssistant. Now lets press the Add Query button again, and add all our internal sensors together. This is a new Query language and may be slightly more complicated but I haven't found a good way to connect to InfluxDB 2.x with IfluxQL. If you want to build dynamic panels or see my newer dashboard then checkout this post. It was also a little more complicated because all of the examples were Influx 1, not 2. The good news is youre not the only one experiencing this. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. No idea why, but Im getting error message Yes, I recently upgraded the versions of software, which has resulted in some slightly updated port numbers. Needed with username configuration variable. Thats very annoying (and another reason for me not to upgrade DSM). Path to use if your InfuxDB is running behind a reverse proxy. And for helping others, here's my docker-compose that works on my Synology NAS (via Portainer): This is great. I can however get to the web UI for inlfuxdb. If provided, this will add a filter to the end of your query like this {group_function}(column: "_value"). platform: template So it should be pretty seamless. Home Assistant is awesome but it lacks advanced support for showing data, especially over time. First panel in the first dashboard is finished. Next, we can add InfluxDB to our docker-compose.yaml file so docker will run the image. Execute the query: SHOW TAG VALUES ON "homeassistant" WITH KEY = "entity_id" and create a dashboard of if. I definitely hope to do as trusty mentioned - I want to replace my logbook and history. Most of the time I am online at the Discord chat. Thats an antipattern in docker. n/a To do so, modify your Home Assistant configuration.yaml to include the details of your InfluxDB installation. The list of attribute names which should be reported as tags and not fields to InfluxDB. Basically if you have sensors who only occasionally update your graphs might be empty because Grafana is not able to just display the latest value. Select the whole query and copy it into clipboard. Now lets make some final cosmetic changes. Open the InfluxDB web GUI in a new tab and login. Home Assistant comes with a few options, but today were going to setup Grafana, which is a free and open source graphing dashboard that looks beautiful. I have a hunch that it is an issue with Grafana not being able to read/write to your config directory. It will allow you to visualize data as well. Youll need to expose the ports to Influx as well (although Im sure you did this, if you can access Grafana). Well follow the exact steps as above for the outside temperature, but this time selecting the entity ID for the temperature of the living room sensor. You will be prompted to set a new password. Thats what I have in for my setup as well. Database host is not accessible due to 404: 404 page not found , please check your entries in the configuration file (host, port, etc.) Setting this up with Home Assistant is also really easy. We tend to think of this data as sensor readings. By default Home Assistant will try to push everything into your InfluxDB, including input_boolean, automations, weather etc. Just click on that field and you will get auto completion for all possible entities in the database. The add-on you are currently looking at right now was developed/packaged by me. We'll repeat the process for Grafana read token. This makes it excellent at storing our sensor data from Home Assistant, because naturally all our sensor data is associated with time of measurement. Grafana allows you to setup Dashboards with graphs and widgets. Recreating the database seems to have got it working, but Ive now lost all the history am I missing something with ensuring persistence of data here?? Im actually testing it out for a few weeks now, almost ready for release I think. Watch your Home Assistant log files for any errors to make sure the connection to InfluxDB is working as expected. This space is exported using snapshots as well. Port 3003 works: I see the page from Grafana Organization is a logical unit, mostly useful if you have a valid reason for strict separation of databases (like a service provider with multiple customers). strings, date, experimental/query, etc. It has a built-in HTTP API so you don't have to write any server side code to get up and running InfluxDB is designed to be scalable, simple to install and manage, and fast to get data in and out.. On the other hand, MariaDB is detailed as " An enhanced, drop-in . Needed with token configuration variable. Looks awsome, anyway to get this into a normal hassbian or is it only You can run it as its own Docker container and manage other containers on the host system. # The name of the bucket where the data will be saved. To do it via ssh [emailprotected] -p 22022 and then to edit the file doesnt work for me anymore. Then also choose an organization name and a bucket (database) name. {% endif %}' That doesnt really help you for the moment. This is a basic way to look at the data captured by Home Assistant. Or if your AC usage goes over X amount, send an alert that youre going to have an expensive day, and consider opening a window instead. Will check out your links, thanks! Seems like a way to add multiple points of failure. Phil, geat guide as always!Have got my NAS operating as a broker and now this using your guides. In the "Read" section choose "HomeAssistant" bucket and click on the "Save" button. We now want to actually display all that data. Now that our database is created and listening on port 8086 we can tell Home Assistant to start using it. You should get a response back with a list of measurements being taken. I have a feeling its a polling issue or something because the battery levels show after a restart of HA. Anyway of showing as a correct percentage? In Grafana web GUI, click on the third icon from the top. Our next step is to configure Home Assistant to start logging changes to InfluxDB. It sounds like the Home Assistant container cant access the InfluxDB container. Then try and start Grafana manually and see if theres any errors in the console that might lead you to where the problem is. A smart home captures a lot of data. Turns on a blue Hue bulb outside of toilet, when toilet lights are on. There are a couple of InfluxDB docker images floating around for the Raspberry Pi, but I went with this one. Select the "Enable auto-restart" checkbox to make sure your container gets back up if it crashes for whatever reason. However, I have a problem I am an addict. One or more flux filters used to get to the data you want. battery_entry_sensor: I'm monitoring temperature and humidity in all the rooms. @trusty That dashboard just looks freaking amazing! This is cosmetic but it helps later especially if you'll have multiple databases from which to choose. you could try this: In my case I decided to only send data about all of my sensors. After modifying your Home Assistant config be sure to restart Home Assistant (I usually do this through the Configuration UI). There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant: The influxdb database integration runs parallel to the Home Assistant database. We're going to run a query to create a new database just for Home Assistant. Or you can sign up for their cloud service and connect Home Assistant to that. I have been renaming the tags within Grafana as they come in as gibberish, What does the "friendly_name" section do? So at this point Im expecting youve got InfluxDB and Grafana installed and up-and-running. You can pull down the image on your Raspberry Pi by running: Docker should download the image from Docker hub and extract it on your Pi. Reading through the Home Assistant documentation on InfluxDB we need to have a database named home_assistant created on InfluxDB. Otherwise we somehow need to link the Home Assistant and InfluxDB networks together. Im still running them both btw somehow dunno fallback feeling? To do so, modify your Home Assistant configuration.yaml to include the details of your InfluxDB installation. Make sure the FROM is set to home_assistant and you filter on domain or entity_id first. This can be used to filter out attributes that either dont change or dont matter to you in order to reduce the amount of data stored in InfluxDB. I snaffled your docker-hub image and ran it up to try and its awesome. InfluxDB is an open source time series database optimized for high-write-volume. Anything else will be green, and you can customise the colours if you wish. If you wish, you could continue and select specific sensors or just decide that this is sufficient for the test. I initially used the glances container along with the plugin, but reverted to HA native sensors + some CLI sensors as the glances set up is significantly resource consuming. As a habit, Ive always created template sensors to extract the battery levels so I can display them in Home Assistant. Best to check the readme on the Github repo, but this should work for you now. Home Assistant basics Read more, Home Assistant is maybe the best open smart home controller out there but if you are new to it some of the terms can be a bit confusing. Both running on docker on the same host The bad news is thats not on the official Home Assistant repo yet. In the past we could simply select entries and have a graph show up.

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influxdb home assistant no data