what does the bible say about rh negative blood

~Rhonda, and do you have a soc media that I can follow? NOT related to the Rhesus monkey..regardless of race/ethnicity..some nonsense Darwin (a rather strange man w/rather strange ideas who also married his first cousin) came up with to push evolution OVER creation! According to the Mayo Clinic, "Having an Rh-negative blood type is not an illness and usually does not affect your health. "Blood of the Gods." The RH Neg Blood Type- Nephilim bloodline. Where is rh negative blood most frequent? I have AB positive blood which is rare and RH negative. Bible Verses About Blood - King James Bible Online Western Medicine has been rough on my body. The Bible uses blood to refer to animal sacrifices in the Old Testament But this is not the Bibles only mention of why and how blood is an important fluid that contains at least some of our life. It sounds so stupid, to go through all of the effort for all these years just for our energy, but its true. The bible ventures with life and death matters and one of the various leading terms used is blood. The Nephilim are known as great warriors and biblical giants (see Ezekiel 32:27 and Numbers 13:33). . However, many Bible scholars speculate that the Nephilim, mentioned in the Bible in Numbers 13:33 and Genesis 6:1-8, had RH-negative blood. In other words, God destroyed the Nephilim. In this way, blood is considered to be life-force. There are also instances, however, where people are Rh-Negative. So I am on blood thinners. Each person is unique and special in their own way, and whether you have Rh-negative blood or any other type, you are important and have a role to play now and in eternity. Has anything changed in your life 2 years ago? I quit drinking and went vegan, this helped with regulating my dietary and body issues. This specific antigen is found on the surface of the erythrocytes exclusively inRhesus positive blood type individuals. Im related to Mary Queen of Scots on my mothers side. Who Are the Nephilim? - Biblical Archaeology Society lets hope there is plenty in the blood banks if I need it lol, Hi 13 people I believe more than that me and my sister are the only ones in my family who have rh negative blood its rare blood but everyone can be sick around me I dont get sick I only had food allergies though . Even though the Nephilim are different in some ways, they are similar in most others. Bloodline of Jesus/Mary - Rh-NegativeNetwork Are you saying According to the Vatican, blood from the Shroud of Turin was tested as AB. My wife is A- and I tease her all the time about being an Atlantean shape-shifting reptile. Everything I knew has crumbled away We really have been slumbering- I can hardly believe it. Me too. There is a lot of speculation about Rh negative and what it means spiritually and scientifically. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. Rh Negative Blood. I am O Rh- and I did get horrible headaches to about 34 until I gave up milk. Even renowned Jewish and Christian scholars express uncertainty about the details and meaning of the verses and passages that mention them. Oh, I think that people would rather be told what to think than research the the facts, not on the first two pages of Google. Vaccinesare a racket, meant to makepharma rich, and make more patients for them to treat to get more rich. Hi I am also Rh A The Bible speaks about blood in several different ways, though never about blood types. It is my understanding, the most recent breakdowns (by race) are from the 1970s, suggesting the overall % may now be as low as 7-9% worldwide. Would also like to add, why it is controversial regarding the theory of evolution, RH+ blood has the same traits as monkeys/apes, RH- does not have this connection. With O negative blood transfusion, trauma and accident victims are given a chance at life. The only reason it is being pushed so heavily is because the spike protein it produces causes blood clots, and the criminals in charge want to kill you, so as to reduce world population. And stopped donating. Bible verses that reference the Nephilim do not attribute many specific physical traits to this line of people, except for littered references to their height (and overall health). 1 John 1:7-9 ESV / 2 helpful votesNot Helpful. some say it is the lack thereof. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? Still do. Health problems may occur for the unborn child of a mother with Rh-Negative blood when the baby is Rh-Positive. When these proteins do not interact, the individual is said to be a negative RH factor, and their blood type is classified as RH negative. And they took as their wives any they chose. . I have always felt healthier than most, I dont fear viruses at all. People with Rh Negative blood are ridiculously intelligent. Does salt water carry significant health benefits for Rh negative individuals? very interesting information. What Does the Bible Say About Talking to the Dead? Ive not had any or heard of migraines as an issue with negatives. The development would seem to have been in good shape out as the likely cause of this exception. This results in having them being more picky when it comes to food preferences. Rhesusnegative.net April 2, 20204. Look it up. If an AB somebody does not have the Rh antigen, they are previous to be AB negative. I am B RH NEGATIVE. For surely it is not angels that he helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham. Aliens not only mated with women but generated a race of human-alien offspring that still live on Earth. AB+ is the universal receiver from all blood types. I hate escalators. Wikipedia. Because it is so common around the world, it must have arisen before the population breakup at Babel, perhaps even before the Flood. although I found that were are less susceptable to the Wuhan virus than others on a It's always good to know your blood type, but particularly when you're pregnant. Today, we know that it is more likely for people with an Rh Negative blood type to have a combination of genetic health conditions. The majority of people, about 85%, are Rh-positive. It was once claimed that the mating of the sons of god and the daughters of Adam that resulted in the Nephilim caused the flood, and this caused the Nephilim to have a negative reputation. I too have a fear of heights and never get really sick. And they formed man in their image. I do my best to inform people , but some are so far gone they wouldnt know the truth of it hot em in the face ! One reason Nephilim is often translated as fallen ones is the relation to the Hebrew word naphal (to fall). Radji zvolm pedasnou smrt, ne se vzdt suverenity. The languages of this band of peoples are related, too, thats a well established fact. Add to this, the old churches with crosses on steeples and the bell towers with the church bells. And neither of my parents were little growing people who jumped out of a spaceship. A baby can inherit the Rh factor from either parent. With all due respect, my friend..Ya might need to do a little more research, J/S..the highest pop % of Negs are indeed Caucasians ~ w/the highest concentration being in Basque ~ located between Spain & France. Both leigh lines and the movement of celestial bodies have to do with energy, such as the energy we feel when theres a full moon. People who are found to be Rh negative havbe a range of different, often genetic conditions that they have to be tested for. The Word still talks about blood in several different, important ways - including the blood of Christ, to the blood that can be shed in times of war or conflict. The reason why it is called the rhesus factor is because that particular monkey HAS the antigen, not because it hasnt got it. The blood of Christ refers to the ultimate sacrificial event in the Bible, the crucifiction. They have ruled behind the scenes. My family is all RH Neg 4 B neg and 1 O neg. Scholars, historians, rabbis, pastors, and Bible readers have been asking questions like these for thousands of years: How does the Bible introduce the Nephilim? Was there a crossbreeding of two human-like beings, alike but altered by birth? If you did not inherit the protein, you are Rh-negative. They had children, many children. It supposedly originated in a small village in the Netherlands. Dti lid je 85% s Rh+oni se instinktivn boj tch 15% bez Rh. If you have additional information, I expect you to share it in the comment section. There are three common interpretations regarding the identity of the sons of god, the daughters of men, and the Nephilim. Leviticus 17:11 - For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. Luckily I dont get sick often at all, even when around someone who is. When donkeys and horses are hybrid to produce mules. This approach is in vogue by many old texts, including the Bible. In good health. If that has been taken, use your full first and last name. I have pollen allergies too. Sumerians and the pyramid builders were satanic. They do a lot of gender inversions, too, since the idols they worship are both genders, and because things get weird with tracking the blood and needing a mate of a different gender from whats available. Nothing is live and nothing is what you learn on TV. Im O+ and Im extremely empathetic towards others, I have a strong affinity to others emotional wellbeing, its so bad I struggle around others grief because I cant control the pain I feel for them, especially when they I should be strong for them. I am 0- and I do have a fear of heights. . I have reactions to any processed foods so paleo is good for me. During his spare time, he loves to read Bible stories and stay loyal to his daily devotions. Its the story of how Isis had a son, who someone killed, then cut into 13 pieces and scattered the pieces all over the globe. The more positive energy the better. Those are the people the enemy wants to influence and will not have your back in the fight for freedom and truth. Those in the power circles are more often than not, of a negative blood type. I started getting migraines with aura when I was young, maybe junior high. RH A- .. and not afraid of heights, can really sense when someone is in a not so good mood. One of these is particular the Rh factor. I am an Extroverted/Introvert and have a fear if heights and falling. . I also am afraid of heights and absolutely hate being around people except my adult kids. Being open to others views, ideas and theories without judgement and ego. rather be in a very small group rather than a large crowd and rather stay home instead of going out for a late drink. And cursed be the one who restrains his sword from blood. When natural things are turned upside down, etc., they become weird and need a lot of explaining. They are termed "Rh- positive.". Genesis 9:6 Whoever sheds mans blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man. DNA, Blood Groups, and Racial Studies 3. He never said we evolved from monkeys. Your pregnancy needs special care if you're Rh negative and your baby is Rh positive (Rh incompatibility). This blood type is called universal because it can be transfused to almost any patient in need of . I have RH neg. If there is no RH factor in your red blood cells, youre Rh-negative. Never. Required fields are marked *. And 85% of Rh- are white. Sumerians are most definitely Caucasian. It is messing with her head. John 6:55 For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. . RH-negative blood did not grow in the usual evolutionary way. Stanford At The Tech Ask A Geneticist I dont have extra vertebrae nor a slender rib. A look around at the ancient civilizations around the world shows clearly that astronomy was a huge deal, as they constructed amazingly accurate sites, such as Stonehenge and several others. It doesnt change your blood type. I have severe allergies to mostly foods. (This post contain affiliate links and if you click and buy, we may earn a little commission at no extra cost to you). Blood was still very important in the times we read about in the BIble. This is not natural because left alone in the natural. (No. The Nephilim are first mentioned in Genesis 6:1-8. seems to get to the cell better without flooding the serum. ], 39 Powerful Live Fearless Quotes and Takeaways [Be You! , Me to RH A neg scared of heights never get sick had Covid not bad and prefer to be alone. I agree, I am O Negative, have had measles, mumps, chickenpox as a child, never vaccinated for anything other than Tetanus. Ja mam B rh D (negative), mam wiele alergii, nie choruj, cinienie krwi mam od 110/70 do 120/80, nisz temperatur ciaa. But it is no worse than common flu, so there is no need to rush to be vaccinated. And hardly ever. I think we know this.. Babies can test rhesus positive but be weak positive making them more like the rhesus negative mom. When blood type is inherited from your parents, it is known that this factor element of the blood is the most consistent human or animal characteristic passed on to the offspring. This could make one healthier. He writes, "The term more naturally refers to a desire for those of the same sex; they desired flesh other than that of women. Egyptians were the first in the world to carry scepters, and the royal Brits still carry them to this day, as do the people in the satanic churches, such as the Vatican and the church of England. Have asthma. Thanks for reading! Matthew 26:28 for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. Why would this be? One big beef is the medical community treats the negatives same as the positives with no consideration we are different. If you have heard the claim that Rh negatives are descendants of "Nephilims", but are not exactly sure what the term stands for, this post is for you: The Nephilim (/nflm/; Hebrew: Nflm) are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are large and strong; the . Definitely nomadic, love people but fine being alone. Nobody knows where it came from except that there was a mutation over a thousand years ago. ( other places too) . And its not where it originated from, but where its mostly accumulated. Did the Nephilim survive the flood, contrary to Genesiss reporting? Its creepy, but the reptilians somehow knew how the human brain worked and so they also knew how to addict people into cults. Evolution and creation fit together. took the shot when pregnant with all four of my kids. Many people are becoming increasingly interested in what the Bible says about RH negative blood. Several early Christian leaders like Justin Martyr, One possible reading of the Hebrew can mean that the, Human leaders are sometimes referred to as, It best fits the context of global judgment, Some important Christian theologians have held this view, including, Did fallen angels return to Earth and mate with people again. Even today, a stout number of people. I am using the term God and human, to differentiate between the spiritual leaders of old who created modern humans, and humans of today. Im A+ like my mom but I got his allergies, when tested I was allergic to 74/76 things they tested me for 20 years ago. It is called blue blood. Hi, Im Rh B- the shot they give you is after giving birth so you will have a better chance of not miscarrying when you have other children. Here is the truth about what the Bible said about the fallen angels: In other words, fallen angels are not able to turn back to God and be forgiven because they already know him and have chosen to reject him. I have been exposed to both of the viruses. Basically, the reptilians need low vibrational energy from all of the negative emotions, and also from torturing us. Rh neg and never sick, and a fear of heights, too. Joel 2:31 The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood. This could be a strong argument for the hypothesis that humans are derived from Primates or evolved. I never get sick, I brag about it as my students would cough on me, hand in their germs on their work and I thought I had built up resistance to germs. I use to catch everything, sore throats, flue I would catch We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. But, Rh negative indicates the "absence of the Rh D antigen" which otherwise is quite abundant in most (85%) humans. What Does The Bible Say About Rh Negative Blood? Powerful Bible Verses So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:26-27. I then went to the doctor age 73 because I was still having a regular monthly period with no problem until that week it was found that I had cancer in the womb, where did that come from. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. He rarely got sick. Are the Basques from the Ten Tribes? What Color is Jesuss Favorite? ], 7 Best Kids Christian Books in [Must Read! This happened on the 17th of the month, hence why the number 17 is so important to them. most of the time, they can do cardioversions with magnesium sulfate drip alone. There are so many theories and thoughts about Nephilim or fallen angels. Im A- Neg and have had the Rhogam shot with my youngest 2 children. Hey Yvette, just wanted to hello and thank you for commenting. It goes on and on, and they broadcast who they are and what their plans are for us in these coded ways, only because they know that by Karmic law, Karma will come back to them for their evil, unless they can tell us with their symbiology, etc., and we accept it and look the other way. Being RH negative does not mean we are related to the RH monkey. Me too. My galbladder was so infected it gave me sepsis and was removed, it was full of holes. Rh Negative Blood Type Conspiracy - O Negative Blood Your theory is intriguing I believe, but am hesitant to assume we are special God destroyed all men in the flood Except a chosen few Guess Im the unlucky one where a nasty virus does damage. this will happen when, dad is rh + me NEG. always gonna be rh negative. All Rights Reserved. The reptiles are one of may and yes they are in many ways controlling things. Laugh all you want, the joke is on you we already know it, you will have to learn ..if they let you. I am Rh Negative group B blood with no antibodies. It just stops your body from terminating what it feels is an invasion because of the Positive Blood type of baby. The Bible clearly states that Jesus (Yashua) was a Nazarene. In situationswhere a couple have different rhesus factor blood types, it puts their children at risk. The miraculous nature of the blood was confirmed when the dried blood of Jesus Christ and the Ark of the Covenant were . If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. What are the benefits of being rh negative? Furthermore, scholars argue that God destroyed the Nephilim thousands of years ago. Many people in my Irish side have AB blood. At first it tells you there's good and evil . I had shots during the pregnancy and first two got shots when born but the third didnt need one because he was RH-. Some of us derive from both parents not having the RHD gene of the Rh blood group practice. Am fairly healthy at 85 years of age, take supplement vitamins, light blood pressure meds and glucosamine. The history of medicine clearly shows that infectious disease had been essentially eradicated by better diets and hygiene in the west long before vaccines started piggy backing this trend. This ties that together nicely! As the History Channel's series Ancient Aliens demonstrates, alleged encounters between people and extraterrestrials are popular stories, even if most people like them for entertainment value as What Does "Strange Flesh" Mean in the Bible? Rh negative, Blue Blood, Aliens, Reptiles. Are you an Rh negative mother with an Rh positive mother? When Solomon's Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC, the tribe of Dan migrated from Jerusalem into the kingdom of Kush, which is now modern-day Ethiopia and Sudan. Leviticus 17:14 For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life. My husband is O- and ironically lost his spleen when he was a teenager due to a motorcycle accident. O Negative Blood Type (O-) 1. This incompatibility can cause a pregnant person's immune system react to the Rh protein on the fetus's red blood cells that have entered their bloodstream. to learn more. Its no conspiracy that vaccines are not necessary . What Does The Bible Say About RH Negative Blood? Too many negative risks associated with the poisonjab.I would suggest against it. Approval of comments does not equal agreement with content. RH positive people do have the RH factor. You will need to be cautious each time you are pregnant. It will alter your dna. Last year found out Im part of the 30% population with accessory spleen(I have 2 spleens), and recently diagnosed with Fatty Liver. i had to receive the jab to travel way Though I have type B blood and I understand were comfortable being alone because of our nomadic background. I have done quite a bit of research in to the Basque people. Theyre parasitical and tricked us into thinking they were Gods (because of their advanced technologies) back in the day, hence why everyone on the planet back then worshipped reptilians, dragons, and snakes (although there are the fish gods, too, which is probably just another ET race). Does anyone else have migraines? 31,29,24,and 19. yes I am white.

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what does the bible say about rh negative blood