thailand agent orange 2021

I served in Desert Storm and continued serving in SWA on and off for another14 years with my last mission in 2004. I had a 5 year break in service and decided to go back in as an aviator on C-130s. That will make U.S. military veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange eligible for the VA's disability compensation benefits. The VA is merely following whats in the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and Public Law when handing down ratings decisions. To receive updates on my teams efforts, sign up for the newsletter now. I am so glad bladder cancer will be added to the list. Chisholm said he and like-minded attorneys representing veterans who served in Thailand are winning these cases one at a time, but with detailed evidence, detailed arguments, detailed affidavits. Can you help? He was told they needed to review the deck logs to prove I was there. The VA took his money back, told me he was dead and wouldnt need a check anyway and his children could not receive anything from his estate nor file for compensation. It took a number of years, once bladder cancer was put on the potential list , to be approvedwaiting patiently. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. Were you in Vietnam? If so get in touch with your local VSO officer and get them to help. God bless, I hope somehow something proper comes your way. Some men are so sick they might not be capable of having the clarity of mind to fight for their rights. Last I knew Vietnam was in Southeast NOT Southwest He proudly gave 23 years to our country. 9th Division.??? Yes. VA will be publishing the PACT Act Performance Dashboard every other Friday to measure the implementation of PACT Act and showcase its impact on Veterans and survivors. (PROGRESSIVE Supranucler PALSY). Appointments. VA will conduct broad outreach efforts to reach impacted Veterans and it encourages them to participate in the rulemaking process. An official website of theU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Looking for U.S. government information and services? I hope that for those who have struggled with financial burdens that help i My father recently passed but was %100 sec connected whatever that means. Benefits are not necessary at this point for us. What if your father has already died? A little compensation for March 3 (UPI) -- The Interior Department said Friday that it was taking new steps to restore the declining American bison population. Do I need to have my VSO file a claim or does the fact that I had it when I had my Agent Orange exam suffice? 74 yrs of age. Sinusitis is already covered. Im glad these benefits are being added. Many people here were exposed to toxins after 9/11. You can file online or thru the mail ( Had thyroid cancer and had it removed in 2018. My dad served the US Airforce in 1952 through unknown date due to his records was burned in the 1973 fire. Vietnam, 69 and 70. 10% for coronary artery disease and bypass surgery? Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them - Congressman David Trone November 01, 2021 Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them Credit: Dayton Daily News, Thomas Gnau Vietnam War-era veterans who served in Thailand say they're still fighting. However, hes also had renal cell carcinoma, benefits reduced, and has now been diagnosed with cold agglutinin/MGUS. A Guide to Strengthening Your Thailand Agent Orange Exposure Claim Edward M. Farmer is a U.S. Army veteran and an attorney. I have had sinus surgery and have to use inhalers to breath. I believe the airmen who were stationed in Anderson AFB in Guam were also exposed to Agent Orange. My husband was in Vietnam in the late 60s and early 70s. It is complete. He was also exposed to Agent Orange. Google agent orange diseases and symptoms breakdown. He did not receive any type of compensation. Spent a year on that Island as many other Vets. It will make it much easier if you know a state he has lived in. When will there be an admission that agent orange was stored, transported and frequently sprayed on bases in Okinawa? We are moving out smartly in initiating action to consider these and other potential new presumptions, grounded in science and in keeping with my authority as Secretary of VA, said Secretary McDonough. I wont hold my breath (mainly because I cant hold it too long) that the government will ever compensate me or any of my brothers and sisters in my lifetime. Good luck and God bless you. I have been dealing with them since 2004 with no result. Please, if anyone else has been diagnosed with Aphasia, or PPA -Primary Progressive Aphasia, please contact me. He retired after 24 years of service in the Marines while serving he developed a heart condition that required a triple bypass he also suffered from PTSD, Rash to his back, feet, and legs he also developed asthma, and lung cancer from agent orange and smoking cigarettes of which was given to him his first day of reporting to camp they were included with his gear before that he never smoked. I now have Parkinsons, off course VA denied my claim . You get a whole 10% for it! Why isnt high blood pressure approved as a presumptive under Agent Orange? My husband died from gastric cancer and according to the appeals board so did many other Viet Nam Vets. Sometimes VA service officers are not very efficient. VA will not make them wait any longer. I want this to be taken seriously! Is someone here have the truth? They can never repay me for my loses or my daughters! Hes lived 3 decades with this and its a long suffering disease. "Many of those who have been exposed are living with cancers, heart disease or Parkinson's disease. WASHINGTON - U.S. Interior Department announces new initiative to restore bison population. He also suggested contacting political representatives to get them to work with you. We were kicked to the curb. Skinner said the denial was frustrating. Agent Orange is one of several "tactical herbicides" used by the U.S. military during Operation Ranch Hand, a multi-year chemical warfare operation during the Vietnam War. Good Luck! He didnt receive a dime from the military, because when they finally approved him he died 2 days later. I sat in the chair, demanded him to look and waited for his lazy ass to find it! The residue that was on them ? I filed in 1980 at the age of 31 for esophageal cancer due to exposure to Agent Orange. I was a Flight Deck director on the USS Kearsarge Aircraft Carrier. And still didnt know what all that noise was,,I thought I had to live with it so even severe asthma and many other issues, where do we go . Charles, I too in my later years came down with Parkinson. The age group I am in seems to greatly effected with neuropathy and because we are not diabetics, the VA will not consider this ailment as a cause of Agent Orange. They did test but couldnt come up with anything. If there is support, could you please point me in the direction needed? I suggest you keep applying as the last Sect. My husband, Tom Spinks died of Parkinsons Disease so I was reading about this and thought this may be a place to find Robert. My husband passed March 2021. During the daily exposure of ground hull bare nonskid surface, we were subject to a daily cloud of toxic particulate matter with only minimal safety protection. They were swimming in it while working on them, not realizing what it was, only to develop symptoms years later but they dont get consideration for benefits because they were never IN COUNTRY. I was also told that because I was able to raise my extremely arthritic arms over my head that I should be fortunate that the VA doesnt take away my disability benefits altogether. It would most likely be cheaper and distinctly faster to approve every damned request for benefits. So after leaving the marines, I didnt claim exposure during my first year out. Treasury sanctions three Russians for imprisonment of opposition leader. Its shameful how they have forgotten us. A VSO will get you I have only 50% due to diabetes and diabetic neuropathic . This condition, nor the degenerative joint disease I am dealing with, is covered as presumptive by the VA for the Camp Lejeune water contamination affected veterans. My husband, who is a Viet Nam vet, passed away 10 years ago from bladder cancer. This needs to be mentioned in your claim. You have to prove it.. I am looking for Robert? I was stationed at Camp Jackson near Uijeongbu for 16 months in 67 and 68, and spent some of that time in the DMZ establishing artillery survey control. Will his claim be reviewed now in light of the new findings? Luckily I havent had any problems other than PTSD. Why try? What about glioblastoma brain? Had been notified that i will receive 30% disability for being contaminated with AO and the Rainbow Herbicide agents. The name Robert Bustamante appears in several states. that rating. Who has those, certainly not the individual service person. Expletive like her should not work for the Veterans Adim.I almost called the veterans hot line I was so depressed.I want to open up my claim again.Help me please. has never reviewed my case as of June 2021. I do believe that those who RUN / ruin the VA truly dont care and are pencil pushers who are only there for that government paycheck. You were boots on ground during the required times. THANKS FOR POSTING THIS FOR THE VETERNS IN NEED OF HELP. I went back in time and pulled up my old ships log and was shocked to see the ships daily log showing injuries to my fellow sailors falling down stairs, broken finger, stitches on their scalp and splints on their fingers but sent right on back to work, it happened to me also but now I find out that no records were kept. It is shameful how they have forgotten us if they can lie their way out of doing anything for us. When I read that the Blue Water Navy was getting this it upset me so if you were off the coast of Vietnam you can get it. What about soldiers that did not serve in the Republic of China but was assigned to combat engineer units that were in Vietnam, and brought back equipment used in the jungles of Vietnam, exposing soldiers to that equipment whom started experience such problems as boils and other unusual respiratory problems in early to mid 70s. I served in Thailand at Uteipio AFB in 1972-1973. At 40, I already had two heart operations (outside the VA). Sen. How is sht burning not considered exposure to particulate matters? I am dealing with bladder cancer that was most likely caused by herbicides/AO sprayed on the perimeter, work areas and around the runway/taxiway and along the perimeter fence 50 feet from my barracks at Udorn RTAFB. Three tours in Vietnam, all on the DMZ, two brown water, one blue water. I was soon denied because I was on the wrong colored water. Are they eligible for Agent Orange benefits? How old is Robert now, where do you think he lives at. As I read story after story. I was in Vietnam for 2 1/2 years flying as a combat support crew chief. Im fully compensated, tax free, and have free medical. The Young man handling Agent Orange claims referred me to my own civilian doctor and even paid for the visit. Needle in a haystack. I wish I live near you so we help each other out to ease the stress! I sent in my biopsy showing prostate cancer and my Bronze Star commendation for service in country. Suggest you contact your local Disabled American Veterans (DAV) chapter. Camp Lejune first 6 months of 71. If you have a copy of his DD214 and / or know the unit he was in you have a starting point. I understand that there are backlogs and staffing limits. Steven, if you have not yet, check out Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance on Facebook. If your husband was ever denied a claim for those conditions you should visit your local VSO and request to file a claim for Dependents Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and accrued benefits that would pay you the money he should have been awarded. Surely VA isnt saying that stateside exposure isnt responsible for the same ailments as overseas exposure. My father battled a round of prostate cancer and 10 years later Leukemia which is what killed him Both caused by agent orange. We were stationed at McLellan in 69. My husband had several of those illnesses, but VA kept loosing only the real important documentation and then even went as far as wanting daily records. For the last 24 years, I have been trying to tell the VA that my Hypothyroidism [Graves Disease] is a result of my two years in daNam: Vung Tau, Lai Khe, TDYs to parts unknown, and lastly Saigon. 2. You may not have standing to file for benefits. What about the men who served aboard ships with asbestos When will they get enough competent case reviewers to catch up on all Agent Orange Disability claims.?? 3. Their use in Vietnam and Thailand took a heavy toll. Im spending out of pocket about $6,000 to $6,500 a year in medications, he said. Senators John Boozman (R-AR) and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester (D-MT) are renewing their bipartisan effort to support veterans who served in Thailand during the Vietnam War-era by . Call the VA at 1-800-827-1000 (benefits line) and they should be able to tell you the form you need to file and start the process (most likely VA FORM 21-526EZ, SEP 2019). They (the VA) dont give you a definition of what the perimeter is, Harmon said. or concerned about one, connect with our caring, qualified responders for confidential help. Also, the investigation found less use in Thailand and the DMZ then previously reported. Each generation poisoned the one after them with Chemicals they used on our bases. 5/60, 3/60. They should know and be able to assist. VA will apply the provisions of court orders related to Nehmer v. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which may result in an earlier date for entitlement to benefits for Veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. My claim for benefits for Agent Orange related Prostate cancer was approved in 2017. I was proud to restore many F 111 A fighters environmental systems back to peak efficiency. You being the spouse rather than the actual veteran, you may or may not get to join. We met another soldier who had Hodgkins from serving in Vietnam with agent orange. I guess they rather spend the money on recounts and political stuff. I served aboard a world war II ship from 1968 to 1970 that had asbestos through out the ship. I have been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. These things added by VA are a joke unless examiners just listen and note. Peripheral Neuropathy, Early Onset (if it presents within one year of exposure to a degree of 10 percent disabling) What a deal if you were in county flying into defoliated areas it doesnt count. NJ? Lets see what the VA does for me and others .For some reason they only admit Lejeune. This is great news and I am happy to see leadership at the VA leading the way on behalf of the vets who are yet to receive the benefits due them. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Operation Ranch Hand exposed millions of people in Southeast Asia and at least 500,000 American troops to the chemical. Los Alamitos and ElToro. Rob Portman is listed as a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 657, which would modify the presumption of a service connection for veterans who were exposed to herbicides while serving in Thailand. Wednesday, March 10, 2021. Be Well, Steve. I have Parkinsons, nerve, ligament damage and nodules on my lungs. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, The burn pits were operating no matter which way the wind was blowing. Plus, he also served in Desert Storm and has his own set of problems from that :-( Good luck EVER getting the government to admit anything close to causative exposure. VA has had me Synthroid for decades, she again said sorry. Thank you. Get more resources at The letter acknowledges that I have the conditions, but states that my service is not believed to be the cause. The possibility of exposure to benzene and mixed motor pool substances for clearing weeds and oiling down dust in parting lots in bases in Germany is an interesting development. Nov 4, 2021 The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program Mission Partner Awards 2021; October 2021 Oct 29, 2021 . I have had tumors removed and strange skin problems. I still dont understand why skin cancers are not recognized of all things that were exposed SKIN. Military Times reported that 50,000 U.S. troops were deployed to Thailand alone at the height of operations, but it isn't clear how many later deployed to Vietnam and are already eligible for presumptive benefits status. Horrible, I was on the DMZ June 1969 for four months. Last year's Defense Spending Bill included a provision, introduced by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., that added presumption of service connection for Agent Orange-linked illness for veterans suffering from bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinson's disease. WHY ?? Attention A T users. Vietnam 69 and 70. the VA has its own math to figure how disabled you are on each disease. What about the other 4 years he was stuck to the damn oxygen? kapm. Both are tumors in the thyroid caused by AO. ANY INFO or help would be appreciated. I have had experiences with the VA similar to yours. If he won it, then you are entitled to his compensation although it will be much less $ than what he would have received. Ive been told by VA examiners that its not in my blood system. Curious about soldiers that worked on jets, etc. Will you please provide me with the mans first name and the other information you have about him. Where does that leave his claim? AMIEN UND AMIEN! However, VA's adjudication manual (M21-1) does recognize Vietnam-era veterans whose service involved duty on or near the perimeters of military bases in Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 may have been exposed to Agent Orange and may qualify for VA benefits. Where is the bottleneck and why is it there? My husband applied years ago and was denied he served in the Korean War and two tours in Vietnam and was based at Camp Lejeune for several years. from 9/67 to 5/68, we had 2 helicopter Squadrons home Based on our ship. But not to veterans in Thailand at least, not yet. Never! has a military lookup feature, and there is a website called in 2005 he had open heart surgery. Just get knowledgeable advice, from the VA or an accredited veterans service organization such s the DAV. He worked with the top secret nuclear weapons his whole career! Any info or help ??? Submit the claim Im 75 and i am sick and tired of being lied too. "In the United States, we take care of our fellow Americans who have been harmed in the course of their military service. He died three years ago from penile cancer, a horrific disease. He developed T1 diabetes and died in 1996. They do a real good job getting through all the red tape. My husband was a Vietnam vet. We were in the field living in tents during phase line papa. How many Vietnam Veterans suffer from skin cancer? 1968-70, then back on Okinawa 1970-72. Exposed to AO many times. I tried to respond to you twice, but they wont accept my posts for some reason. No one ever told me and zi was too busy trying to survive and raise two kids with a bad case of PTSD and other conditions that affected them!

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thailand agent orange 2021