loud house fanfiction lincoln bad day

- Lincoln answered - She attacks me for no reason. Stella: Sorry Lincoln, but not all of us don't have that expierence in this before. (It then cuts to the living room where Clyde, the nine sisters and parents were at the Loud family computer for the moment of truth). Lincoln: Thanks Ms. Merdich, see you tomorrow! Wow, so many bruises. And for what? We might even see a Four-leaf Clover. - Lana commented enjoying being rubbed by Luna. Lynn: Ouch, that's a bummer, maybe you could do a sports kinda game, after all, I am a master of sports games, but I'm not that much of a video game nerd like you are. Chandler Ghidorah:> to Godzilla Lori, middle head< Hey, that's not fair, >to Mothra Leni, right head< You will pay for this! Liam: So I reckon you are going to suffer with the Hoff huh? Lincoln: Oh well, I guess I'll have to live up to it for a whhile. Lincoln uses painkiller to protect himself from pain because if he used armor fight would be uncomfortable for him. Ms. Merdich: G'day class, I'm your new substitute teacher, Ms. Merdich, and this is my fine feathered friend, Rob Paulsen, you know, after the cartoon voice actor. Ms. Merdich: Next, we move on to the next step, genre, you need to describe what game is it, for example, the Crash Bandicoot games are a platformer series, while some do have racing and party at times, others like Call Of Duty and FortNite are shooter games, you need to add in a genre, they are worth about sixty percent of your grade. - I have an idea but I'll tell you this outside. Lori: It's about time for me to leave home to college, but before I go, I think maybe I should stay here for a while and see our siblings and parents as a surprise. Lynn's comes home from school angry that she lost in her baseball game which she takes here anger out on Lincoln however after here argument with Lincoln. - Wait, I must stop Lana! Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< No grumbling young man, think about what you've done! (UPDATE) - Unless you guys have something to actually say about the story or my writing, please stop whining about it just because "its just another No Such Luck fic". Rusty: Yeah, it's not the same without you Lincoln. Ms. Merdich: >points to Chandler< Yes sir. Luna: Don't tell me, the Hof is giving you homework or is Lynn giving you any trouble again? (The buss then stops at Royal Woods middle school, then Lincoln and his friends get off the bus, just as they got in, Principal Ramirez stopped Lincoln). I figured I might as well check it out finally. (The class even made up some good stories, Lincoln was making up a good story for his Godzilla game, he came up with a brilliant idea to have an alien control seven monsters except for one monster controlled by the player, once they were done, they moved on to the next step). Mr. Grouse: >to Lincoln, annoyed< But nothing, it's your problem Loud, not mine, so get lost! ??? - If you knew, you wouldn't get used to surprise attacks. After it was time to go, Lincoln then took off his costume and went upstairs. Chandler: >nervously gulping< Uh, I didn't say anything. Rita: A Godzilla game on a computer? After she defeated him, tears appeared in his eyes. (All of the class nodded their heads in agreement). Lori: So it'll be just the two of us, I'll be in charge of you until Sunday night when I go back to Fairway. Clyde: I'm so sorry to hear that, say would you like to-- Lincoln: >to Ronnie Anne, interrupts Clyde< Have a tour of our school before the bell rings? Ms. Merdich: Crikey, I almost forgot, if you have teamwork that's involved with your project, make sure you give everyone else the credit they deserve. - Lana said - Lola is very similar to Zuko's sister. (Ms. Merdich typed in the website were it will take them to a programming site, she has shown them the basic codes for making a game). Guest 3 - I guess Bobby never got, This is a bunch of scenes for my fics I've thought of but not entirely sure what they should be involved in. Mr. Bolhofner: I have to be intimidating for a reason, this is middle school and we expect students to be on thier best behavior, students do tend to make bad decisions, and you keep them out of line, you are seriously messed up, you know what? Lori: Whoa whoa whoa, where are you going? "Lori why do you seem so tense and nervous," Lincoln asked. "Oh yeah," Lincoln said. Sorry, I'm not much of a fan, though I did love the movie. - Luna yelled - You could have poisoned yourselves! - His name is Zuko. (Lincoln unzips his backpack and grabbed his drive), (All of Lincoln's friends gazed into the flash drive, he was excited to present his game to the class). Clyde and others: Good morning Principal Ramirez! - Lynn, you should have told me. Rita: >to Lincoln< So? (While the kids continued about their day while at dinner, Lincoln was enjoying his plate of Spaghetti, and was thinking on how to work on Rodan's animation, but for now, he is going to spend the rest of the night eating his dinner, then he went to bed as he wasn't going to work on his project until the next day, at the school cafeteria, Lincoln and his friends were talking about his project). What's your beef with him? - Hey, Lana. Soon you go to middle school like me and there are a lot of bullies. Lincoln: >to Lori< I hear you big sis, >to audience< It's a good thing Lori and Luna share the same interest as mine, otherwise, I would be left alone. - Sigh, you have such a nice touch. - I took Oh! Lynn Sr.: >to Mr. Grouse< Here you go Mr. Grouse, a tray of my famous "Lynn"-sagna"! Rita: >to Lincoln< Are you sure you don't want to do an Ace Savvy game? (Then, a hotdog was thrown at by Lincoln, the hotdog was thrown by Chandler and his friends, then a whistle was blown from his ear, it was Lynn blowing in his ear). Lincoln: and now ladies and gentlemen, the moment we all have been waiting forI would like to thank the people who supported me on this project, Clyde, Stella, Liam, Zach, Rusty, Mr. Grouse and Lori even if she's not here to withness it, all of you want what's best for me, and I myself can clearly see myself as a future game designer where I can help make videogames for future generations, and now ladies and genntlemen, I'm going to show you, the game that I've been constructing since I got a substitute, it was originally going to be an Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. Lincoln: I'm done scanning all of the pictures. (Just then, Lincoln's idea has finally got kicked in, as he wrote down on his notebook and calls it "Godzilla: King of The Monsters" Lincoln was so thankful to Luna that she could be Lincoln's closer sister after all, it was now dinner time and Lincoln started to share the news). Lincoln: Wow, that's cool, I wonder who your next opponent is? - Lynn complained - So many bruises on my body. - Lincoln, Lynn, Lana and Lola said in unison. (the robotic hand grabs Lincoln and throws him down, his other set of finger missiles aim for him as well). Riley: Well I guess we are going to be stuck with Mr. Bolhofner for the rest of our school year. Loudsmith. Happy St. Patty's Day! Lola: >scared< Linky? - That was just a stupid joke! "Oh boy this new episode is a great episode," Lincoln said. He opened the door and watched Lola wounded and terrified and Lena with sinister grin, whole their room was a mess. Mr. Bolhofner: No, that is not how you do this to students, you can't just give them an assignment that gives them a waste of their time by making some sort of computer advanced activity, you were supposed to be sctrict to everyone and give them work assignments, no fundimentals before learning. Leni: >wakes up< Oh, Morning Linky, I wanted to sleep with you because I heard you screaming last night, so I thought I could cuddle you, because I understand Lori sometimes do it, and the same goes with Luna. I've recently discovered that the world of anime has a lot to offer in the horror genre. Lori: Yes, similar to a bad game on the NES or the Japanese releases for Sega Game Gear and Sega Saturn, and trust me, I did some research in secret. Lincoln: Oh, I see, so are you going to help me? Hello everyone it's me, MuppetSpot. I added Lana because I didn't want Lincoln to be alone with his problem. Throughout most of this fic, Lincoln goes around being a complete asshole and outright destroying some of his sisters' prized possessions. Before he could process his surroundings, a familiar voice caught him off guard. Lincoln: I don't know, I guess I was dreaming. Rob Paulson: >squawk< Due next Friday, due next Friday! (She pointed to the other pieces of paper that Lincoln was working on). You are my substitute? - That's all? (It later cuts to Lincoln as he has brought his laptop over to Mr. Grouse's, he taught Lincoln how to program his game, Lincoln types in the address to the programming site and added it to the file, Mr. Grouse even teaches Lincoln about programming the main menu and options and he also learned about how to test the games codes for gameplay, the more he worked on, the better he's gotten, it took him all afternoon to get the programming correct, and after all the experience he's gotten from Mr. Grouse teaching him, his game is now completed, but first, he and Clyde decided to test the game to make sure it runs good, once they got his game tested, it was working properly, Lincoln and Clyde high fived each other, it then cuts to sundown with Lynn Sr. holding a tray of Lasagna). >to class< Let's try something even harder, If I add ten Bananas and fourteen grapes, then I've eaten at least three bananas, then I multiply about nine more bananas, what is the total answer? Lori: Okay Lincoln, let's try to get those pieced together, to do this, we need to match them together. Mr. Grouse: So let me get this straight, you want me to help you boys with programming a game for a school project? Please! Today was one of the rare occurrences where despite being a Saturday afternoon with sunlight to burn, he had nothing to do. Ms. Merdich: Listen up class, it's time we pull out our history books and learn about the history about ancient China, turn to page three hundred and six and go to Chapter Seven lesson one. Ghosted was a good episode, but it involved all 3 of them. (The girls then rushed back to the table as they hear the word "dessert", this is when the girls started talking to each other again, it then cuts to Lincoln where he now puts his flash game into his drawer right after dinner, he then turns to the audience). I didn't know I could pull this off! Lincoln: >to Lola< What's your nightmare about? Lori: I know I do, but I completely understand that you aren't a fan of those cheesy romance movies, so I thought maybe we can watch "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" together. (It starts with Lincoln in The Loud House as he is getting ready for school as if he isn't ready to go to school while he puts on his clothes). Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, will you present us your character sprites and their animation? - Lincoln said - Luna, please rub us with this. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. It's been over two years since the last time I reviewed a show requested by him, and at the time he went by the username Pikafan2000. Mr. Bolhofner: >annoyed< Alright, which one of you twerps is responsible for breaking the wind during class time? Lincoln: She is super nice, and she will write your name on the discipline list if you act up, and guess what? Ms. Merdich: I'll pick>points to Lincoln< Lincoln! - Lana responded with determination. Lori: Okay, I'll help you with the animations. Back on earth, at the beach, after the events of "No Such Luck", Lincoln snuck away from his family to get a drink, but he passed out from heatstroke and dehydration before he can cool off and quench his thirst thanks to the squirrel costume he wore. - Why do you this after all? based game! (And that is what Lincoln did, he continued to draw each head and jaw for each character he wanted to add for his game, then, he continues to mimic each body part as based on the picture, it was a lot of work but he knew that he had to do it, hour after hour, he has drawn every head, jaw, neck, torso and waist, he still needs to add the arms, hands, legs and feet for each character that walked, he had to add some extra features, such as the dorsal plates for Godzilla, spikes for Anguiurs, the crests and horns for Rodan, King Ghidorah and Gigan, and the metal back plates for MechaGodzilla, it was about 7:00 in the evening and they both know that they haven't had dinner, Lincoln stopped and he wanted to go to the kitchen to try and cook something, but Lori stopped him). Ms. Merdich: >annoyed, to Chandler< You're twelve minutes late! Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? When looking up what other horror anime are worth checking out, I came across "Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories". - Because I was wrong from the start, I learned the violence only breeds more violence. Lincoln: >shocked< Mr. 1049 - A bit dark there. : >offscreen, to Riley, annoyed< I don't think you have what it takes to be a programmer, because you would never pull it off on my watch. Now as they still live in the Loud House, they find their food sources limiting but luck turns to them and with the help of Lucy, invites them to a secret vampire cafe. Each episode features a different tale based on myths and urban, Hey everyone! Mr. Bolhofner: Late again Loud? Rita and Lynn Loud Sr have 5 daughters. Lincoln: She's not coming back home until Thanksgiving. Liam: I'm hoping you'll be getting a good grade. (Chandler and his friends started giggling and Lincoln, cuts to another flashback with Mr. Bolhofner passing out the tests that Lincoln and his class mates were working on, he reads it and gets a D- on his math test with a little comment that said "DO BETTER! YOU'RE FIRED!!! Don't become what you fight against. She closed door loudly, what took Lola's attention and angry glare. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Beauty Lincoln, I think you are getting the hang of it, and you've even colored in, how wonderful mate, for that, I'll give you one hundred points, nice job Lincoln. (They both share a hug, and Lincoln went back to his room, and he was thrilled to come up with a good title, a Godzilla fighting game must come up with a good title, he already knows that there is a few titles that are already on there, so he came up with a new title, he thought to himself). - Lincoln explained with tears of desperation - I wounded Lynn severely and I feel sorry for this. (Then another flying monster appears alongside Godzilla Lori and Mothra Leni, this creature had Luna's head with a body of a pterosaur-like creature). Clyde: Sorry guys, I have to decline, my dad's and I are doing family bowling night! Mr. Grouse: >to Lynn Sr.< You'rewelcome Loud, I'm thankful that your kids helped me learn about computers, if they haven't convienced me to working on a computer to work at the office when they thougt you got fired from your job, I wouldn't have helped your son, he's a fine young man >rubs Lincoln's hair<, I can see his future career as a videogame designer one day. The next morning, Lincoln woke up still happy from last night. Principal Ramirez: >to Ms. Merdich< Ma'am, what's this about having the students making a videogame as a school project? Luna: A new teacher? WellI guess you'll have to sit with me and my sardine breath at lunch. (Principal Ramirez approached Ms. Merdich). It is called "Santo Bugito". Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln, clapping her hands< Wow Lincoln, I see you did a fine job, I'm such a big sucker for Godzilla and Gamera. Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< MCANN, We now witness the dreaded Brawl in the Family. Ms. Merdich: >to Rob Paulson< Thank you Mr. Paulson >to Chandler< I've already warned you yesterday, now, you are on the discipline list, and like I said, if you get three strikes, you will be sent to the principal's office, >to class< and that goes for the rest of you. Lori: Don't worry guys, I'll be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and you can bet on it. That caused Lincoln fell on ground. Lincoln: Oh yeah, I guess it doesn't hurt to try something new for a change. Sex: Female Age: 34 Birthday: Jan 22nd, 1989 Height: 5"9 Weight: 207 Lbs Eye Color: Red Hair Color: Orange Birthplace: Canada Occupation: Pro Wrestler Fighting Style: Heihuquan, Pro Wrestling Power: Transform into a weretiger when enraged Story: Tonya was once a confident and cheerful 13 year old model student living a good life in her hometown in Toronto, until one day in school she was beaten by a bully to the point that her anger transformed her into a tiger like creature walking on two legs and savagely mauled her attacker to near death, Upon hearing the news, her parents told her the terrible truth that centuries ago in ancient china, their family's lineage was created by a evil sorcerer bent on world dominiation, only to be defeated by a large group of shaolin monks, only a few packs of weretigers survived and escaped the continent. Lincoln: Sister, I think you just read my mind. Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Deserve credit, deserve credit! - Flashback: Lincoln is on Luan's business phone while she lies on her bed. Lola: I would rather play Lincoln's game then listen to your jokes anyday. Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Well done Lincoln, well done. Principal Ramirez: >to class< Good morning students, I hope you have a good day! - What if I did go further? Bolhofner Virus: Class, I would like to introduce a new student, but be respectful, the new kid has three heads. - Please, let me explain. - Lola asked - How did you do this? Lincoln: I don't understand why either, I didn't get to be with my friends in Mrs. Salters class, that wasn't really fair. Lincoln: I'll have Lori fingers for my half. - I did and I regret it now. (Lynn was heartbroken on the inside that without her aggressiveness, she no longer had the instinct to step in and abuse Lincoln for what he said about her because she kept her promise, she sat down by the dining room table in depression, her father just stepped in noticing that something was wrong with Lynn, he sat next to her) After years of abuse from his family Lincoln finally snapped and goes on a crime spree. (Lincoln then takes all of the papers and gives them to Ms. Merdich, he then returns to his desk and sits down peacefully). "Oh thanks," Lincoln chuckled embarrassedly. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. Rusty: That sounds like a cool idea Lincoln! Lincoln: Okay, but I don't know which to choose. Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< Lynn Jr. that is enough teasing and name calling, you have one brother who looks up to you, be nice. Lincoln: (to viewer) Being Luan's assistant is pretty fun. Mr. Bolhofner: That's what I thought >to the rest of the class< AND THAT GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU, NO GROANING IN MY CLASSROOM!!! Lori: >to Lincoln< Not so fast Lincoln, I'll have to cut you a half, so you can have one half of your burger for lunch and your other half for lunch. Ms. Merdich: >whew< Sorry I'm late class, I got caught on traffic, I should have left earlier than usual, I tell ya mates, it's not easy getting to class on time when traffic wants to beat you to it >giggles< anyway, let's start with our lessons shall we? - Lincoln remembered - If she beats Lola like I beat you they both can have a trauma. Mr. Grouse: Hello class, I'm your new substitute teacher Mr. Grouse >to Lincoln< Oh hey Loud! - Onion powder?! Chandler Ghidorah: >middle head< Well well well, >right head< if it isn't my arch enemy, >left head< ready for our match? Mr. Bolhofner: >gasps< Principal Ramirez, I can explain on why is that Aussie is making my students create their game and waste their time. Principal Ramirez: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, I've got a task for you, and I know you can do it, I have Ronnie Anne attend the same classes with you, so it'll be your job to be her escort buddy to your class. Lincoln Loud, a 12 year old boy starting middle school starts to experience weird things in his day, his body strength is much different then it was a week ago, he's hearing voices around him when their's no-one near him and not only that, his dreams are getting much weirder, like he's seeing people he's never met before, how weird. So I am coming home for the weekend, Luna says she got band practice for the weekend so she can play for the talent show so she won't be able to help you, and I did tell Mom that I was coming home to get you and help you with your project, oh and I did tell Mom to take our dad and siblings over to Aunt Ruth's for the weekend as well because you know how Dad is with me coming back home, and it's total chaos with so many sisters climbing up to me. - I did it because you made me! Rita: >to Lincoln< If Lori was here, she would have been proud of you! - No, it's Lynn. (To answer Lincoln's question, a three headed version of Chandler appears, he has the same body as King Ghidorah as he lands near Godzilla Lori). He ereased the salve from the steps. Lincoln: Like when you control either Godzilla or the military? (Lincoln then gulped as he was transported to the same class with the Bolhofner virus as his teacher, with an announcement). - Enjoy your healing. You can't allow yourselves for revange before reason! based videogame or a Muscle Fish game, because it couldn't matter because he has a compassion for these things since he favored them so well, the next day at school, Lincoln and his classmates were just about finished up with their history lesson). Luna: Wow, you are making great progress, are you sure you want to save for tomorrow? Digi Rusty: Better get a move on, or the Virus Hoff will get you. Rusty: Wow, it's a good thing I don't have the Hoff, otherwise, I would have gotten a bad school year. Ms. Merdich: Okay then, let's review your math assignments, >pulls out math book< if I divide about twelve oranges out of two, what would i have now? - Wow, Lincoln, you could have talked me to death. - Lincoln, Lynn, Lola and Lana were surprised, - Did you see all of this? She quickly stood up and dashed again but Lincoln took a small sack from his bag and throwed it on floor. (The class was confused as they couldn't figure out the answer). Ms. Merdich: Okay class, before you go, I have a brand new assignment for you, for this class project, I would like for you to.make your own video game. Lori head: And we literally are going to be besties Bolhofner Virus: Once you created a virus, there is no going back Loud. That stair was rubbed with a colourless and odorless salve. I hardly found Trustworthy to be the worst of Yoshi's fics. (A mouse then touches Lincoln as he gets digitized into a computer world where he sees digitized versions of his friends). Liam: I don't know about you Lincoln, but how long is that project due? - Lynn explained standing in pain - The bullies in middle school attack without warning and they are beasts compare to the ones in elementary school. Completed theloudhouse love klynn +1 more # 17 Pokemon: The Loudest Ranger by Hollowhunter2 10.1K 333 13 Title idea from @Lance1889 check his stories out. (Most of the class except Chandler raised their hand). Lori: >to Charles< No Charles, you can't have some, it's not for you boy. by danielsamuels128 PhantomKnightPercival, Monsterzilla, Iron Emperor 45, Kingshield54, LiamFitz20, braedencarnes22, Isom, Gloyd R. Orangeboar, Titanus, Aartman7141999 - Thank you! Lori: >interrupts Lincoln< Slow down there champ, I know you are excited as you are with your game, but we got some work to do, we'll visit the Library in the afternoon, but first, let's piece in the characters first, then we'll work on adding the breath effects on your file later on. Maybe, you'll try to reason with him. Let's see how this one holds up. Today, I'm looking at a show requested by MBCMechachu. how much donated blood is wasted; managing diversity in the workplace ppt; metaphors in five feet apart; bethel high school graduation; morrisons salad bar bacon bits vegan How much do you hurt me? "I got some news I heard this morning, that could affect you," Lori said. Zach: We shall see, I'm very excited to hear about it. (Lincoln takes up everyone else's tests and when he got to Chandler's desk, Chandler immediately trips on Lincoln, Lincoln falls and the test papers fly everywhere, luckily Rob Paulsen was able to collect them and gave them to Ms. Merdich). Ms. Merdich: >to Mr. Bolhofner< G'day mate, what a nice surprise, I didn't think you would show up in time for the big event. - No, Lincoln, I shall apologize. - answered Lincoln with a tired tone. Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Is there a problem young bloke? Lincoln: Absolutely, so I think I should be able to do an Ace Savvy fighting videogame and it's going to be the greatest game I've ever played. Lincoln: > to Ms. Merdich< Thank you Ms. Merdich. Ronnie Anne close her eyes and went to sleep. Lincoln: Yes, I need to think about how to get him off and on the ground though. "Growing Up Creepie" was created by Anthony Gaud, Chris Woods, and Carin Greenberg. - Lana commented after the episode ended. He chooses to leave. Today is a huge day for me it's the one year anniversary of me doing Loud House Fanfictions, so I decided to release this one-shot because of it. Clyde: I could help, but you know that we haven't learned about programming just yet. Lincoln: Have you been snooping on me while I was watching some Godzilla movies? "Yami Shibai" is a horror anthology series. (Luna came into Lincoln's room and sat next to him) LINCOLN: Hey, Luna. He slowly becomes friends with Loona she slowly begins to like him in return. Lincoln: And then I finally get the idea on what moves I want to use for each creature. View source. Ms. Merdich: Oh uh, none of them are playing games during class time sir, I was just showing them an idea of making a videogame, I could maybe give them a jumpstart in their future career one day. I remembered hearing about the show when Ember Reviews talked about it a few years ago on his YouTube channel. Lynn Sr.: But hey, with that new substitute, at least you'll have a better time here right? Mothra Leni: Thought you could use some help! Bolhofner virus: Well, well well, making a game huh Loud? - Lynn said to Lincoln - Besides now I know you know how to deal with bullies even if you should without gadgets and traps. "Oh boy I can't wait until the next episode," Lincoln said out loud. - Lincoln explained. based fan game, but a few of them got the ideas already. Lincoln Loud meets a cool girl from the depths of Hell, who is really a Hellhound named Loona. Lincoln: Laides and gentlemen, I give you: >shows flash drive of his fan-made game for a school project< "Godzilla: King of the monsters" the fan-made videogame made by yours truley. - Please forgive me. - If I did, you wouldn't have learned anything by yourselves. Here is my sixth fanfiction of The Loud House, happy reading. (Once Ms. Merdich passed the tests to the students, Lincoln was thrilled that he got an "A" on his test and has a smiley face on it), (Once Chandler got his test back, he got a "D-" and a comment saying, "Do better next time"). - Lincoln fell on knees in pain - The morphine stopped working! Abraham Lincoln's assassination was actually at. I fear myself because I know I am able to cause this. If I went further, I would have hated myself for hurting someone I love. Lana went up the stairs leaving Lincoln alone to deal with Lynn. Lori: It's a good thing>grunting while lifting a scanner< Carol let me borrow her scannerfor the weekend untilyou'redone! (Lincoln gulps as if he was in trouble, it then cuts to the Principal's office with all of Lincoln's classmates at the office). ", Lincoln groans and Mr. Bolhofner jump scared him). (After Ms. Merdich writes Chandler's name on the board, she then begins the lesson). Chandler: But why? I call dibs on Crash Bandicoot. Otherwise this cycle of revenge will never get broken. I also wanted to use Lana somehow. - I did reconcile with Lincoln. Lola: Thank you, >hug him< you are the best brother ever. The scene of their fight is partially based on titular fight in film Batman Vs Superman.

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loud house fanfiction lincoln bad day