federated service at returned error: authentication failure

Select Start, select Run, type mmc.exe, and then press Enter. The AD FS service account doesn't have read access to on the AD FS token that's signing the certificate's private key. This API is used to obtain an unscoped token in SP-initiated federated identity authentication mode. Hmmmm Next step was to check the internal configuration and make sure that the Front-End services were attempting to go to the right place. See CTX206901 for information about generating valid smart card certificates. You should start looking at the domain controllers on the same site as AD FS. He has around 18 years of experience in IT that includes 3.7 years in Salesforce support, 6 years in Salesforce implementations, and around 8 years in Java/J2EE technologies He did multiple Salesforce implementations in Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Community Cloud, and Appexhange Product. Not having the body is an issue. Supported SAML authentication context classes. A user's UPN was updated, and old sign-in information was cached on the Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) server. Share Follow answered May 30, 2016 at 7:11 Alex Chen-WX 511 2 5 tenant jobs may start failing with the following error: "Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream". HistoryId: 13 Message : UsernamePasswordCredential authentication failed: Federated service at https://sts.adfsdomain.com/adfs/services/trust/2005/usernamemixed returned error: StackTrace : at Azure.Identity.CredentialDiagnosticScope.FailWrapAndThrow(Exception ex) at Azure.Identity.UsernamePasswordCredential.GetTokenImplAsync(Boolean async, https://techtalk.gfi.com/how-to-resolve-adfs-issues-with-event-id-364 If you are looking for troubleshooting guide for the issue when Azure AD Conditional Access policy is treating your successfully joined station as Unregistered, see my other recent post. Very strange, removed all the groups from an actual account other than domain users, put them in the same OU. Point to note here is that when I use MSAL 4.15.0 or below version, it works fine. privacy statement. Below is part of the code where it fail: $ cred = GetCredential -userName MYID -password MYPassword Add-AzureAccount -Credential $ cred Am I doing something wrong? how to authenticate MFA account in a scheduled task script Or, in the Actions pane, select Edit Global Primary Authentication. The content you requested has been removed. Or, a "Page cannot be displayed" error is triggered. @clatini Did it fix your issue? You need to create an Azure Active Directory user that you can use to authenticate. The domain controller cannot be contacted, or the domain controller does not have appropriate certificates installed. If you find a mismatch in the token-signing certificate configuration, run the following command to update it: You can also run the following tool to schedule a task on the AD FS server that will monitor for the Auto-certificate rollover of the token-signing certificate and update the Office 365 tenant automatically. ClientLocation 5/23/2018 10:55:00 AM 4608 (0x1200) It was my understanding that our scenario was supported (domain joined / hybrid joined clients) using Azure AD token to authenticate against CMG. For more information, go to the following Microsoft TechNet websites: Edit an E-Mail Address Policy Disabling Extended protection helps in this scenario. Filter by process name (for example, LSASS.exe), LSA called CertGetCertificateChain (includes result), LSA called CertVerifyRevocation (includes result), In verbose mode, certificates and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) are dumped to AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\X509Objects, LSA called CertVerifyChainPolicy (includes parameters). On the Federated Authentication Service server, go to the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, or XenDesktop 7.9, or newer ISO, and run AutoSelect.exe. No valid smart card certificate could be found. If you do not agree, select Do Not Agree to exit. We strongly recommend that you pilot a single user account to have a better understanding on how updating the UPN affects user access. A HTTP Redirect URL has been configured at the web server root level, EnterpriseVault or Search virtual directories. You should wait two hours after you federate a domain before you assume that the domain configuration is faulty. You can also collect an AD replication summary to make sure that AD changes are being replicated correctly across all domain controllers. Your IT team might only allow certain IP addresses to connect with your inbox. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service appl ication. Already have an account? + Add-AzureAccount -Credential $AzureCredential; Run SETSPN -X -F to check for duplicate SPNs. To do this, follow these steps: Make sure that the federated domain is added as a UPN suffix: On the on-premises Active Directory domain controller, click Start, point to All Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Domains and Trusts. Unable to install Azure AD connect Sync Service on windows 2012R2 The project is preconfigured with ADAL 3.19.2 (used by existing Az-CLI) and MSAL 4.21.0. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? How to handle a hobby that makes income in US, How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates, Linear regulator thermal information missing in datasheet. Select File, and then select Add/Remove Snap-in. Please try again, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2008-R2-and-2008/ff404287(v=ws.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN, Certificates and public key infrastructure, https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX206156, https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/242.troubleshooting-pki-problems-on-windows.aspx, https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/262177, https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/281245, Control logon domain controller selection. Select the Web Adaptor for the ArcGIS server. An administrator may have access to the pin unlock (puk) code for the card, and can reset the user pin using a tool provided by the smart card vendor. Message : Failed to validate delegation token. Connect-AzAccount fails when explict ADFS credential is used - GitHub The smart card certificate could not be built using certificates in the computers intermediate and trusted root certificate stores. Hi @ZoranKokeza,. The user gets the following error message: Output Citrix FAS configured for authentication. Right-click Lsa, click New, and then click DWORD Value. Not inside of Microsoft's corporate network? I have had the same error with 4.17.1 when upgrading from 4.6.0 where the exact same code was working. The Azure Active Directory Sync tool must sync the on-premises Active Directory user account to a cloud-based user ID. In the Federated Web SSO Configuration section, verify the value in the AuthnContextClassRef: field matches what is entered in the SAML assertion. Still need help? This feature allows you to perform user authentication and authorization using different user directories at IdP. To enforce an authentication method, use one of the following methods: For WS-Federation, use a WAUTH query string to force a preferred authentication method. If you get to your AD FS and enter you credentials but you cannot be authenticated, check for the following issues. For more info about how to troubleshoot common sign-in issues, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article: 2412085 You can't sign in to your organizational account such as Office 365, Azure, or Intune. So the federated user isn't allowed to sign in. Confirm that all authentication servers are in time sync with all configuration primary servers and devices. The intermediate and root certificates are not installed on the local computer. AD FS uses the token-signing certificate to sign the token that's sent to the user or application. There are stale cached credentials in Windows Credential Manager. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. For more information about the latest updates, see the following table. Service Principal Name (SPN) is registered incorrectly Connect-AzureAD : One or more errors occurred. This Preview product documentation is Citrix Confidential. The messages before this show the machine account of the server authenticating to the domain controller. It doesn't look like you are having device registration issues, so i wouldn't recommend spending time on any of the steps you listed besides user password reset. However we now are getting some 109 and 6801 events for ADSync and Directory Synchronization n the server where Azure AD Connect is installed. Federated Authentication Service | Secure - Citrix.com I am not behind any proxy actually. Add-AzureAccount : Federated service - Error: ID3242. My issue is that I have multiple Azure subscriptions. Sign in with credentials (Requires Az.Accounts v 1.2.0 or higher) You can also sign in with a PSCredential object authorized Hi, Ive setup Citrix Federated Authentication on a Customer Site with Netscaler and Azure MFA. or ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. Sorry we have to postpone to next milestone S183 because we just got updated Azure.Identity this week. After you're redirected to AD FS, the browser may throw a certificate trust-related error, and for some clients and devices it may not let you establish an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) session with AD FS. UseCachedCRLOnlyAnd, IgnoreRevocationUnknownErrors. Examine the experience without Fiddler as well, sometimes Fiddler interception messes things up. This section lists common error messages displayed to a user on the Windows logon page. Configuring a domain for smart card logon: Guidelines for enabling smart card logon with third-party certification authorities. (This doesn't include the default "onmicrosoft.com" domain.). Script ran successfully, as shown below. Federated Authentication Service troubleshoot Windows logon issues In the Value data box, type 0, and then click OK. LsaLookupCacheMaxSize reconfiguration can affect sign-in performance, and this reconfiguration isn't needed after the symptoms subside. I created a test project that has both the old auth library (ADAL) and the new one (MSAL), which has the issue. We try to poll the AD FS federation metadata at regular intervals, to pull any configuration changes on AD FS, mainly the token-signing certificate info. Make sure that token encryption isn't being used by AD FS or STS when a token is issued to Azure AD or to Office 365. The development, release and timing of any features or functionality Aenean eu leo quam. If you've already created a new ArcGIS Server site (breaking your hosted content anyway), then you would want to unregister the site from Portal's Sharing/REST endpoint before refederating the site with Portal, as @HenryLindemann alluded to. For more information, see AD FS 2.0: Continuously Prompted for Credentials While Using Fiddler Web Debugger. A smart card private key does not support the cryptography required by the domain controller. In the Edit Global Authentication Policy window, on the Primary tab, you can configure settings as part of the global authentication policy. Verify the server meets the technical requirements for connecting via IMAP and SMTP. Open Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager and expand the Connections list on the left pane. Federated Authentication Service troubleshoot Windows logon issues June 16, 2021 Contributed by: C This article describes the logs and error messages Windows provides when a user logs on using certificates and/or smart cards. Your email address will not be published. We'll contact you at the provided email address if we require more information. There are instructions in the readme.md. Run SETSPN -A HOST/AD FSservicename ServiceAccount to add the SPN. By default, every user in Active Directory has an implicit UPN based on the pattern @ and @. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. Exception returned is Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.Availability.AutoDiscoverFailedException: Autodiscover failed for e-mail address SMTP:user . The details in the event stated: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. User Action Ensure that the proxy is trusted by the Federation Service. Service Principal Name (SPN) is registered incorrectly. When the SAM account of the user is changed, the cached sign-in information may cause problems the next time that the user tries to access services. Error connecting to Azure AD sync project after upgrading to 9.1 Run the following cmdlet to disable Extended protection: Issuance Authorization rules in the Relying Party (RP) trust may deny access to users. The user gets the following error message: This issue may occur if one of the following conditions is true: You can update the LSA cache time-out setting on the AD FS server to disable caching of Active Directory credential info. And LookupForests is the list of forests DNS entries that your users belong to. KB3208: Veeam Cloud Connect jobs fail with "Authentication failed

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federated service at returned error: authentication failure